Top 4 Reasons Why a Global Perspective in Advertising and Marketing is Important

Top 4 Reasons Why a Global Perspective in Advertising and Marketing is Important

By Adriana Dickerson

Mobile, social, broadcast, software, and more are increasingly transforming the way advertising and marketing teams engage with various brands. It is imperative for professionals involved in advertising and marketing to hold a global perspective in their line of work. Due to the undeniable global platform, advertising and marketers are responsible to involve unique stakeholders, organizations, and brands in the conversation from different parts of the world. This is especially important in terms of politics, but also business ventures involving various clients. In order to grow or maintain a positive and reputation in the advertising/marketing industry, it is crucial to uphold a global perspective.

But Why?

(1) It’s More than Just Translating the Language.

Although translating the language of a particular campaign or advertisement is extremely important, marketers and advertisers must also be sensitive to the localization of a particular community or target audience. For example, a product that may illustrate phenomenal benefits for a target consumer in Europe may not suit a target consumer in Asia. Product and/or service descriptions must follow the rules and regulations set by local agencies. It is the job of the marketer and advertiser to see the local research through in order to bridge the gap.

(2) Must Manage Terminology.

In order to ensure smooth crossover between varying territories, it is important that marketers and advertisers are in great communication with product or service manufacturers when it involves the names of particular brands that are used consistently in exportation. In order to reduce the risk of costly errors, many advertisers and marketers found it helpful to utilize databases of products, services, their technical terms and translations to local distributors, marketing agencies, and advertising agencies. If all aspects of the brand are on one page, the job of the advertiser and marketer is more effective and efficient.

(3) Understand local cultural preferences.

One of the most crucial reasons to why advertisers and marketers should have a global perspective is the importance of being aware of local cultural preferences. In order to prepare for a client brief, it is necessary to understand what may or may not be offensive in different regions in order to execute a successful advertising or marketing campaign. For example, the color green’s meaning poses much ambiguity. In Indonesia, green has traditionally been forbidden. However, in Mexico it is a national color that represents independence. Similarly, green represents fertility, luck, wealth, and is the traditional color of Islam, whereas in China, green is a taboo color because it signals that their wives have been unfaithful. Understanding local cultural preferences, or lack thereof, an either hinder or help a campaign for a client.

(4) Must choose the appropriate channel for marketing/advertising information.

Where should marketer and advertisers showcase the brand of their client? Between trade fairs vs. advertisements vs. social media vs. personal marketing, there are many portals to delivering information. However, as a marketer or advertiser, one must identify the proper channel appropriate for a particular territory. Having a global view of the industry makes the process of discerning the correct portal less of a difficult task. Where one market may thrive in the social media realm, another market may not. While trade fairs have been increasingly less popular in the United States, markets that do participate in trade fairs turn to the marketers and advertisers to provide exhibition and presentation materials. The same expectations should be met for all varying channels, no matter the location of the market.

Big Take Away

Advertisers and marketers hold a very important job as today’s various selling platforms are growing exponentially. Therefore, it is crucial for those that hold careers in the advertising and marketing world to have a global perspective as it pertains to international brands. No matter the market, if a client should bring an issue to an advertiser or marketer, it is their job to bring forth a well-articulated plan to combat these challenges. A global perspective is always necessary. If you are interested in learning how to strengthen your global knowledge as an advertiser or marketer, be sure to check out Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications graduate program at ( This unique program allows students gain a global perspective in strategic communications to help them prepare for advancement in advertising, public relations, and integrated communications careers.

By |2016-11-23T15:06:11-05:00November 23rd, 2016|Global Strategic Communications Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Top 4 Reasons Why a Global Perspective in Advertising and Marketing is Important