Guide to Building a Digital Portfolio for Your Personal Brand Online

Guide to Building a Digital Portfolio for Your Personal Brand Online

 Guide to Building a Digital Portfolio for Your Personal Brand Online

An important element of your personal brand is an online digital portfolio. Your digital portfolio is a platform used to highlight your accomplishments, skills, experiences, and contributions that should be constantly updated and reviewed. Whether used for academic or professional purposes, it is beneficial to have a portfolio that is accessible and appealing to different audiences. To build a winning digital portfolio, keep in mind the following few guidelines listed below.

Guidelines for Building a Digital Portfolio:

Address Your Specialty

When building your portfolio, it is recommended to address your specialty as one of the first elements you see when observing your portfolio. Within in a couple of sentences, state what it is that sets you apart from others. Whether you specialize in content marketing or product design, it can be beneficial to express what the main focus of your brand is.

Often times, individuals will include a variety of skills and traits they are proficient in. This can be a good way to make yourself marketable but it can also lead to confusion and be overwhelming. Listing a short description of your specific specialty visible on your homepage can enhance your credibility and audience viewing.

Organize Your Content

Your content is a reflection of yourself, it should be clean and well organized when viewing. Organized content can significantly make a difference for your portfolio. It is recommended to have a specific page that includes all your portfolio content.

You should use headers, sub-headers and small text descriptions for your portfolio pieces. Accessibility is important and can be enhanced through organized content. Separate your content into categories and arrange by dates, titles, and mediums. Use simple, clean and modern colors and text formats to complete your brand as this can strengthen the overall organization of your digital portfolio. The digital portfolio should be organized into sections, you should have a homepage that overviews your content and addresses your specialty, there should be a page dedicated to just your portfolio content and a contact page that includes where to contact you for future communication.

Consistently Update Your Material

Updating your portfolio materials plays a major role for your personal brand. Similar to your CV, your portfolio material should be updated accordingly. Updates should be made after completion of the project, assignment or task. While staying organized is important, it is also important to remember to update that material.

Staying up to date with current trends and showing progression, can enhance your portfolio. There are several user-friendly platforms that make the process of updating your material effortless and simple.  It can be beneficial to show development throughout your portfolio material. By making consistent updates, it can demonstrate your dedication and progress.

Include Your CV and Skill Set

Your CV is a significant component to include in your personal portfolio and brand. A CV consists of your experiences, certifications, education, accomplishments and other valuable information. Aside from presenting your personal brand content and material, adding a page or dedicated area on your digital for your CV can be beneficial. A CV is a formal, traditional approach when presenting yourself, but can show professionalism and growth, making it a valid element to include in your portfolio.

Alongside your CV, you should include a list that contains your skill sets. This can consist of programs you are proficient in, traits that you excel with and other elements that make up a list of skill sets. It can also be suggested to add a level to your skill set. For example, if you are an intermediate using Photoshop, add the level title beside the skill. Including your skill set in your digital portfolio enhances your credibility.

Your Next Step

Your digital portfolio is a reflection of your personal brand. It should be managed and updated constantly. It is an online space to express your expertise and bring in an audience viewing. Address your specialty, consistently organize your content, update your material and include your CV and skill sets to your portfolio. While there are other suggestions and guidelines to follow for building your digital portfolio, following these basic guidelines can enhance your personal brand and online presence.

Written By: Natalia Bertok

By |2017-10-06T13:44:14-04:00October 6th, 2017|Career Development, Digital Portfolio, Online Personal Brand|Comments Off on Guide to Building a Digital Portfolio for Your Personal Brand Online