How Women Can Empower Each Other

“From the time we’re little girls, we’re taught to compete,” said Nelson during a recent conversation at CNN. “I need to be prettier, taller, smarter, my hair needs to be straighter, curlier, whatever it is. I need to get the better-looking guy. I need to always be better than because we’re taught to come from a place of lack as women.”

According to a CNN article, most women are taught from a very young age to compete amongst their friends or family. They are rarely taught to empower or help each other despite the situation. It is essential that women in communication learn and pursue to empower each other in order for the communication field to succeed and grow.

Some of the ways that women can empower each other are by collaborating and sharing their thoughts and ideas.

“Collaborate, share, collaborate. So you lift other women as you climb by collaborating versus competing.”

Instead of competing with each other, women should rise together and dominate the field. Women must learn to be mentors no matter how busy they may be. Whatever field it is, women must make time out of their busy schedules to mentor each other.

By |2017-01-12T19:17:00-04:00May 20th, 2015|General|Comments Off on How Women Can Empower Each Other

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