Hope Daugherty2023-04-10T11:12:43-04:00

Hope Daugherty

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Hope Daugherty is a senior Digital Filmmaking major with a minor in Communication Design
and Small Business Management at Stephens College. She is a part of campus activities, such
as Vice President of the Student Programming Council and Account Manager for the
student-run design agency Creative Ink. Hope has worked on several short films sets in the
Columbia, MO area and even wrote, directed, and produced her own short film. She has been a
volunteer for the True/False Film Festival for three years and a Gimme Truth winner in 2019.
Hope wants to become a producer in film and television and help to tell the world stories they’ve
never heard before. She hopes to empower and give a voice to those who need to be heard,
with an emphasis on LGBTQIA+ stories. She is also interested in video game production and
social media marketing.