Tara Grier2022-03-05T07:33:48-04:00

Tara Grier

Tara Grier 1

Tara Grier is a Senior Writing Arts major pursuing both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees
simultaneously. She is also completing a minor in New Media. She is extremely involved on
campus, both as a leader and a team member. Grier is passionate about storytelling in all of its
forms and strives to both tell her own and help others tell theirs in a way that will inspire impact
and growth.

Grier has worked on executive boards for campus publications and has even created one of
her own. After finishing her master’s degree next spring, Grier intends on entering the
publishing industry as an editor and author. She hopes to someday inspire young writers the
way authors of her childhood did for her. This is what she believes leadership is truly all about:
inspiring others.