Jessica Newell2022-03-07T10:10:53-04:00

Jessica Newell

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Jessica Newell is graduating summa cum laude from Rowan University with a degree in Communication Studies and minors in Women’s and Gender Studies and Spanish. Throughout her time at Rowan, she discovered her passion and aptitude for public relations, event planning, and visual media production. Her desire to empower other women and drive social change led her to serve as the founding intern for the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Rowan University.

Ultimately, Jessica aspires to open her own communications agency geared toward a clientele of female entrepreneurs. In order to combine her business with her personal advocacy goals, she aims to partner with brands focused on sustainability, animal welfare, and LGBTQ+ rights. Prior to fulfilling that dream, she plans to attend graduate school and gain valuable experience while traveling the world and working her way up in the strategic communication industry.