Bianca Martinez2022-03-07T09:34:48-04:00

Bianca Martinez 

Bianca Martinez 1

Bianca Martinez is a recent undergraduate senior who pursues a B.A. major in Communication Studies at Rowan University, specializing in Rhetoric and Cultural Criticism. Previously, she also graduated from Mercer County Community College where she accomplished her A.A. major in Communication Studies.

As a first-generation college student, Bianca strives toward climbing ladders and solidifying her aspirations to turn her passion and creativity for writing into a professional career. While at MCCC, Bianca spent her last semester before graduating as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of their student-run campus newspaper, The College Voice, where she had previously spent her last semester as a junior writer. There, she co-operated in publishing and editing over 20+ articles in one semester with a strong group of fellow reporters and staff while recruiting new students to take over once she left.

One of Bianca’s goals is to turn her love for editing and writing towards the book publishing industry, as well as editorial. She would love to see herself in the future working within one of the biggest publishing houses: Penguin Random House, Hatchette Book Group, HarperCollins, Simon and Schuster, etc. This comes with a renewed intent to share and shoulder on new and diverse voices from across the nation and the world. For her, writing is one of the most beautiful art expressions. Reading creates an outlet so it can be shared with everyone, and she hopes she can take her passion and imagination to bring forth and share stories into a larger space.