Denise Shneiderman2022-03-07T10:22:44-04:00

Denise Shneiderman

Denise Shneiderman Picture 1

Denise Shneiderman was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. She moved to Miami five years ago to pursue her dream career, Architecture.

Denise is expecting to graduate in May 2023 from the Accelerated Master of Architecture Program at Florida International University.

Denise’s travels and life experiences have opened her mind to different cultures and ways to live, appreciating the uniqueness in all of us. Her passions to design and help others have followed her from her youth and are still her motivation and inspiration in her career.

Denise’s vision of architecture speaks around unique experiences. For her, architecture let her express herself in uncountable ways. She defines it as the combination of science, art and humanity, where creativity is the very vivid expression of our souls. Her interests drive her to create and build moments for all of us.

Moving forward Denise plans to continue developing her creativity, applying and expanding her expertise in an architectural environment acquiring a well-rounded perspective on today’s industry.