Josephine Mendez2022-03-07T09:41:54-04:00

Josephine Mendez

JOsephine Mendez 1

Josephine “Josie” Mendez is a Miami native studying at Florida International University and
anticipates graduating with her B.M in Music Business in December of 2022. She plans to
continue her education and complete her Master’s degree in the near future. Josie has always
had a passion for singing and has kept that passion throughout her university career with her
principle in classical voice. She has sung in prestigious venues like the Koger Center of the Arts
in South Carolina and Carnegie Hall in New York. She hopes to be able to sing in Carnegie Hall
once again this year. Josie is the Ambassador for the Presser Scholar Foundation at FIU. Josie
took part in FIU’s National Student Exchange program and attended Purdue University Fort
Wayne. The exchange made a great impact on her personal growth and enhanced her
academic opportunities, such as currently holding the presidential position for the NSE student
organization, works at the university as a student assistant, and is a participant in the Lillian
Lodge Kopenhaver Leadership Boot Camp.