Megan Litchman2023-04-10T10:46:01-04:00

Megan Lichtman

lichtmanmegan 122431 77151 Headshot January 2023Megan Lichtman is a senior at Florida International University (FIU) pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Digital Communication and Media with a focus on Television and Multimedia Production. She is also completing a minor in Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics.

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Megan is inspired by the incredible amount of diversity around her. Since high school, she’s had a passion for broadcasting and producing video content. She considers herself a storyteller and always puts meaning behind her works. To further explore these interests and improve upon her skills, Megan has interned with the South Florida Media Network (SFMN). Through the network, she has directed over 50 live shows and partaken in the overall production of the morning broadcast, Newsbreak. She has also had several multimedia projects published and covered various topics from the COVID-19 pandemic to election day.

Megan was also a Peer Advisor for FIU’s Office of Orientation and Family Programs and is a current member of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS). Through her multiple involvements in college, Megan has developed her leadership and team dynamic skills. She believes that to be an effective leader, one must not only stand out as an individual but also listen and learn from her peers.

After graduation, Megan plans to embark on a professional career in the broadcasting industry. Her goal is to work behind the scenes for live productions as a videographer and editor. She also aspires to one day become a director for live television.