Kopenhaver Center Fellows – LLK Center 20162021-02-17T13:32:41-04:00

Kopenhaver Center Fellows – LLK Center 2016

Women Faculty Moving Forward: Pathways for Success

August 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Kopenhaver Center and the AEJMC Commission on the Status of Women hosted the fourth annual Women Faculty Moving Forward Workshop, Surviving and Thriving in the Academy, at the AEJMC Convention in Minneapolis in August.   The workshop provides leadership training to young assistant professors to help them through the tenure and promotion process and encourage them to move into administrative posts in the academy.  There are now 85 Kopenhaver Center fellows from across the country.

2016 Fellows

Brandi Watkins Virginia Tech
Brooke McKeever South Carolina University
Cary A. Greenwood Middle Tennesse State University
Elizabeth K. Viall Eastern Illinois University
Elizabeth Stoycheff Wayne State University
Heather Paige Preston Appalachian State University
Jayne Cubbage Bowie State University
Jennifer Brannock Cox Salisbury University
Jessica Willoughby Washington State University
Karen McIntyre Virginia Commonwealth University
Kate Edenborg University of Wisconsin Stout
Lei Guo Guo Boston University
Melita M. Garza Texas Christian University
Michelle Amazeen Boston University
Mimi Perreault East Tenessee State University
Newly Paul Appalachian State University
Nichole Bogarosh Whitworth University
Serena Carpenter Michigan State University
Stephanie Mahin The University of North Carolina
Su Jung Kim Iowa State University
Teri Finneman South Dakota State University