Virtual Workshops & Podcasts2024-04-19T14:14:39-04:00

Virtual Workshops

Leadership Virtual Workshops

The Kopenhaver Center Leadership Virtual Workshops feature top national leaders in the field of communication who have spoken on topics related to the mission of the center. The goal of the series is to optimize the opportunities for women to hear from those who have achieved success and leadership in the varied fields of communications. Topics relate to how to take on a leadership role in any situation and how to position oneself to move ahead on a career path. Speakers also talk about specific industry challenges and how to meet them successfully, as well as provide tips on how to do a specific job better. These virtual workshops can be accessed here at any time.

Click on the images below to view the Workshops.

From Unconventional Beginnings to Design Success: A Creative Journey
Communication Careers in Medical Publishing
Ladies First: Forging New Pathways in the Field of Communication
We Are All Content Creators
Writing Television: A Conversation with Karen Maser
Communication, Branding, and Self-Promotion
Writing as Activism: Creating for Inclusion on the Screen
From Entry-Level to Entrepreneur: Spanning Communication Careers
Power of the Pen: Women Curating our Own Stories
Speaking While Female: A Conversation with Dana Rubin
Mastering the Art of Strategy: Building Productive Relationships
From the Inside: A Communication researcher from Silicon Valley
Strengthening Your Connections: The Evolution of Networking
Exchanging Ideas not Germs: How Communication Career's are Integral to Equitable Public Health
The Changing Face of Communication:Where Have We Been and Were are We Going?
Fashion and Entertainment: A Conversation with Amy Bond
Day at the Museum
The Power of Women: A Force for Change
Through the Lens: Elevating Your Voice as a Visual Storyteller
A Level Playing Field: Female Leaders in Sports Communication
Become Your Own CEO: Entrepreneur May Be In Your Future
100 Years of Speaking through the Ballot: Women & Political Communication
How2Write4Now: The Importance of Excellent Writing in the Digital Age
Woman and Careers: Repositioning for a Post-Virus World