New Product An App Called Marco Polo

New Product An App Called Marco Polo

Based on the philosophy of Simon Sinek, I have designed a product.

If you are curious who Simon Sinek is and what his philosophy is, check out this video:

Wouldn’t it be great if you called “Marco” the things you have lost will call back “Polo”?


There are things dear to us or important to daily life that we don’t want to loose. If we loose them, we need a quick and easy way to find them that fits our modern-day lifestyle.


Using modern microchip and GPS technology combined with the abilities of a smartphone.


An augmented reality app where you will be able to find the things you have lost within your space by scanning the environment you are in.

Practical Uses

Find your keys, remote control, pets, your bike, where you parked in a garage, etc…

Deeper uses

You can put the microchip stickers on your friends or children at large events so if you get lost from each other you can find each other quickly.

Opportunity for fun

Find your girlfriend at a bar. Fun scavenger hunts with loved ones.

The App Marco Polo- How it works

The app will cost money. When you download the app, the company will send you a sheet of 20 sticker microchips. More will be available for order if needed.  There will be 5 colors for 5 microchip stickers, in the app you will be able to color code the objects you would like: practical items, family, pets, friends…etc. If an object is stolen, the location can be traced by the company’s network GPS system to ensure your privacy.

In doing research to see if this product exists, there were similar products to be released in the Summer of 2014. The differentiating factor here is the use of stickers as well as augmented reality that provides a visual location. The competitors provide a distance to the device that keeps someone wondering around within a certain radius of the item.


By |2014-02-18T20:50:29-05:00February 18th, 2014|Creative Planning, Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Product An App Called Marco Polo