The Ultimate Shopping Experience

The Ultimate Shopping Experience

Ever since I can remember, I have been allergic to the idea of shopping malls. Don’t get me wrong; I love shopping and buying the hottest new items like a great new pair of shoes (I love shoes), but I hate having to go to a mall, overcrowded with busy shoppers. An overabundance of shoppers means that the stores are always messy (well, at least 70% off them), unless you go to a really expensive shop.

There are people and kids all around you, sucking in your air and breathing in your face. You will never find anything nice and, if by any chance you find something you like, just try getting it in a different color or size. It’s impossible!

That’s why, for a while now, I’ve been doing all my shopping through the beauty of the internet. In the wonderful online world, you can find everything organized, the majority of time items are in stock in your size, and you don’t have to deal with the crowds rummaging through your favorite store at a mall.

Of course, nothing is perfect and online stores can benefit from a makeover and greater features. Because of this, I have been designing the ultimate fashion website.

I’ve thought of this Ultimate Site as purely an online shopping mall, well designed, organized by brands or let’s call them stores, fashions seasons and different clothing categories, making the browsing through this page easy and fun. But what would this brand make different from any other out there in the market?

This brand has it all in one: the possibility to create an avatar with your body measurement so you can virtually try the clothes on it and know exactly how they look on you, your own personal shopper in case you don’t have the time to browse the entire site or you are the type that needs fashion orientation you would be able to have your own personal stylist and even share with your friends and family the items chosen in case you need a second opinion.

All this in just one place; this online mall would offer not only expensive brands but affordable ones, too (because, lets be honest, at least 80% of girls dress in less than a $500 outfit). You don’t need a million dollars to look like a million bucks. It is just a matter of style and knowing how to combine the different trends the market is offering.

With this brand, we would be taking away the headache of finding a parking spot, the noise of people talking too loudly, kids screaming and running around, the crowed lines every time you are going to pay, and the messy racks where you never find anything.

Yes, it is nice to go to the mall sometimes, especially the high end ones where everything looks beautiful (although you can not afford it). Nowadays, with the limited time everyone has on their agendas, this is the easiest, most fun, and most convenient way to do shopping.





By |2014-02-18T20:03:08-05:00February 18th, 2014|Creative Planning, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Ultimate Shopping Experience