Starbucks’ Secret

Starbucks’ Secret

The Secret About Starbucks

The highest calling of this brand is to keep alive the coffeehouse tradition and the craftsmanship of the barrista. The Starbucks experience is the same everywhere you go and the atmosphere in the coffeehouse is always top-quality.  Starbucks has the same lighting, music, and woodsy atmosphere that position it to be the standard in its market.  Starbucks is like a cabin in the woods.  It is a place where you’d drink hot chocolate after skiing in the mountains.  At the same time, it is a place where you can work and/or socialize.  Starbucks is like a block of wood near a fireplace.  It’s personality is defined by its acoustic music and merchandise sold.  People who go to Starbucks are affluent, cool people.  The person at Starbucks has money in the bank and is also on go-mode, even if the place they’re going is the beach or to relax.  Starbucks affiliates have a work schedule and have things to do throughout the day.  They are not idle or looking for validation.  Starbucks people know who they are and what they want.  They are valued.


By |2014-03-21T16:57:08-04:00March 21st, 2014|Creative Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Starbucks’ Secret