Master of Science in Communications: One Degree, Different Careers

Master of Science in Communications: One Degree, Different Careers

Master of Science in Communication: One Degree, Different CareersFIU’s unique Global Strategic Communications program prepares students for great careers in communications. The creative track specializes in preparing our students for careers in copywriting and art direction. However, our graduates can explore the excitement in understanding our program is designed to prepare them for a number of career opportunities. These are a few of the possibilities:

Graphic Designer

Those studying art direction will learn what is considered effective design versus what is considered ineffective design by today’s standards. The program includes courses that not only help students analyze trends in graphic design, but also design for the web, develop motion graphics and understand the effective use of typography.


Our “Video Storytelling” course prepares students with the ability to craft a unique story behind the camera lens. It enhances students’ skills and abilities to tell a story with motion, sound, and time. Pairing this course with classes in other avenues of design ensures that students will be well-versed in what it takes to become a talented videographer.

Content Curator/Storyteller

Crafting creative and compelling copy becomes second nature to our graduates. While learning the skills of copywriters, individuals also inadvertently prepare themselves to become excellent content curators, content producers, and storytellers. The learned trait of writing clear, concise copy paired with our script writing courses (for radio, TV, and web) will enable students to to write online and offline for a variety of industries worldwide.

Advertising Specialist

Encompassing everything that the program desires to teach, advertising is a craft in which creative individuals excel. In order to become an effective advertiser, professionals must be in touch with growing trends in society and technology. With classes that discuss the future of advertising via digital platforms, students stay up to date with today’s trends. The program exposes students to different nationally recognized advertising professionals each week with timely lectures that discuss the latest trends in the field of advertising.. The preparation for the advertising market is strong.

Public Relations Specialist

The aforementioned skills enable graduates the ability to excel as a public relations specialist. Our students will have the training needed to maintain a company’s image. Copywriters are skilled in writing succinct, informative, gripping copy, which will allow them to write and edit productive press releases. Courses in social media also provide our students with the skills to understand how to boost a company’s image through the effective use of this platform.

Cultivate your Creativity at Florida International University (FIU)

The Global Strategic Communications Creative Track program leads to a Master of Science Degree in Mass Communication with a specialty in Creativity, also known as the Creative Track. This program, in partnership with world renowned Miami Ad School, is designed to tap into a student’s creative skills and strategic thinking. Learn how to develop an advertising campaign through the analysis of a brand’s issues with creative solutions that engage consumers at the deepest levels. The program combines the theoretical and academic courses of Florida International University with creative skills development courses taken at Miami Ad School, learning from instructors that are at the top of their academic and professional careers.

If you are ready harness your creative ability and strategic thinking, and earn a graduate degree from two top world renowned institutions, contact Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the Global Strategic Communications Creative Track program, at

By |2014-06-02T13:02:44-04:00June 2nd, 2014|Before the degree, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Master of Science in Communications: One Degree, Different Careers