Refine Your Communication Skills and Make Money

Refine Your Communication Skills and Make Money

Refine Your Communication Skills and Make MoneyGood communications skills are a key aspect for any career, but particularly important in the industry of advertising. Probably no other career requires greater communications skills than the business of communicating effectively with people, whether to work with a demanding client, selling your ideas internally, or creating powerful messages that are memorable and will resonate with consumer audiences.

Communicating Digitally

Understanding how to write well and develop excellent communication skills are often neglected attributes in today’s society. It is evident that we do not place enough value on the proper use of grammar and punctuation. Due in part to the abbreviated terms used in text messages and social media, and because of the autocorrect feature on many cellular devices, there seems to be little emphasis on grammar and syntax.

The Need for Knowledge

However, excellent communication is highly sought after in the current job market. Recent research has found that “social media and modern technology [are] destroying our interpersonal social skills” (USA Today). Without interpersonal skills, those entering the work field will have difficulty during job interviews. Once employed, workers without refined interpersonal skills will struggle to relay their concepts, projects, and ideas in the office. It is crucial to refine communication skills through education in order to become successful.

A Promising Outlook

Forbes reveals that, “the unemployment rate for individuals holding a Master’s degree was only 3.4% in 2013, compared to 6.1% for all workers” (Gallagher). Students with Master’s degrees have nearly a 50% lower chance of facing the difficulties of unemployment.

Financial Fulfillment

Our program combines our students’ love for communication with the ability to make earnings from their passion. The financial benefit is significant. Studies show that, “holders of advanced degrees currently [earn] a 30% wage premium on average over those with only a bachelor’s degree” (Gallagher). After attaining a Bachelor’s degree, students interested in copy writing, art directing, and advertising communications must evaluate their goals. Those interested in being more marketable and thus making more money should consider our Master’s program.

Cultivate your Creativity at Florida International University (FIU)

The Global Strategic Communications Creative Track program leads to a Master of Science Degree in Mass Communication with a specialty in Creativity, also known as the Creative Track. This program, in partnership with world renowned Miami Ad School, is designed to tap into a student’s creative skills and strategic thinking. Learn how to develop an advertising campaign through the analysis of a brand’s issues with creative solutions that engage consumers at the deepest levels. The program combines the theoretical and academic courses of Florida International University with creative skills development courses taken at Miami Ad School, learning from instructors that are at the top of their academic and professional careers.

If you are ready harness your creative ability and strategic thinking, and earn a graduate degree from two top world renowned institutions, contact Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the Global Strategic Communications Creative Track program, at


Gallagher, Sean. “In Defense Of The Master’s Degree.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 04 Apr. 2014. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

“Opinion: Why Social Media Is Destroying Our Social Skills.” USA TODAY College. USA TODAY, 11 Oct. 2012. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

By |2014-06-11T20:13:34-04:00June 11th, 2014|Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Refine Your Communication Skills and Make Money