What Makes FIU’s Master in Communications Program Unique

What Makes FIU’s Master in Communications Program Unique

What Makes FIU's Master in Communications Program UniqueWhen you are considering different communications programs, it is important to think about your following career path before even applying. If you have always dreamed of being a copywriter or art director for a top advertising agency, FIU’s Master’s of Science in Mass Communication may be right for you.

When school searching, you are faced with numerous brochures and websites- each promising you different perks and benefits if you fork over your hard-earned tuition money. Remember, as a creative professional, you will need:

  • Skills honed as sharply as possible
  • A portfolio of work that reflects your abilities
  • A network of mutually beneficial connections

Here at FIU, we can provide each of those points and more at our beautiful location in sunny South Florida.

Learn from Industry Professionals

This program is brought to you by a partnership between FIU and the world famous Miami Ad School. As a student, you receive valuable lessons from both experienced professors and the active advertising industry professionals at MAS.

Not only will you be shown the pathway to mastering your chosen skill, you will gain knowledge on the best way to package and present yourself to hiring managers in creative professions. You’ll learn how to approach people, how to brainstorm and generate ideas, how to choose the best ones, and how to handle rejection professionally.

A Prime Location for Creative Work

Urban locations are where creative work, at least in the professional and collaborative sense rather than individual artistry, happens. MAS is located in Wynwood, which is a local hotbed of creative work. FIU has two campuses in the Miami area. You’ll be situated to get to know one of the world’s media hubs both professionally and socially. The more media and creative work that happens in your area, the more opportunities you give yourself for success.

Students from the FIU-MAS partnership program have built a strong relationship with local professionals, giving you at least a little bit of a leg up when hiring time comes around. We know that you will fall in love with the program and pour your passion into your work, thus continuing this good reputation.

Showcase the Best of Your Talents

There’s no way around it: creative work is competitive. A great school and a great location will help, but they’re not all you need. Our experienced faculty knows that the number one thing many hiring professionals want to see is proven experience.

The FIU-MAS program is designed to let you take risks and generate work early on in your career. Grab this opportunity and take your potential as far as it will go. A solid book of work makes the difference when it comes time to decide between two comparable candidates.

Connect with Students from Across the Globe

The FIU-MAS partnership GSC creative track program draws students from all over the world, which means our program is your chance to build a far-reaching network. Produce good work, and we know that people will want to help you out. As your own career flourishes, we hope you will help out others as well.

Learn More About Florida International University’s Creative Track Program

Visit Florida International University’s website to learn more about the Global Strategic Communication Creative Track Master’s Program. Contact Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the FIU-MAS Creative Track Program at gdelosre@fiu.edu or fill out the contact form for additional information.

About Global Strategic Communications Creative Track Master’s Degree Program

The Global Strategic Communication Creative Track is a 39-credit hour program leading to a Master of Science in Mass Communication degree. This interdisciplinary program combines Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications graduate curriculum in communications theory, research, and strategy with Miami Ad School’s advanced skills curriculum in Copywriting and Art Direction.

By |2017-09-08T17:36:50-04:00September 8th, 2017|Before the degree, Career Development, Learning about GSC|Comments Off on What Makes FIU’s Master in Communications Program Unique