Surprising Facebook Ad Targeting Options to Supercharge Social Media Campaigns

Surprising Facebook Ad Targeting Options to Supercharge Social Media Campaigns

Facebook ads

“More than 1.7 billion people use Facebook every month.” ( This data, collected by Facebook, shows a number of potential buyers that this social media platform is able to provide to its advertisers. Now… many companies already found out the same data and had the same idea… so what you need to be special and stand out from the competition? Here is the how:

Surprising Facebook Ad Targeting Options to Supercharge Social Media Campaigns


1) Identifying your target audience

Instead of determining what income and age group your consumer pertains to, the idea of the target audience has evolved to the idea of tribes. To determine which tribe your consumer should be placed at, you have to analyze what type of lifestyle that person lives; what kind of places that person goes to; what type of friends they have…. And so on. The personification of a tribe became a more precise way of consumer evaluation.

2) What are the tribes within that range?

Grouping your different tribes helps you identify common interests. When you find out what is driving that group of people, it becomes easier to create your campaigns and the different aspects of it. For example, your social media campaign on Facebook you should have a strategy that will make that tribe react and accomplish a certain type of action.

“To find a smaller and more focused audience for your ad, test your ads using different interests. When you find the right combination of lookalike audience and interest, you’ll have a more targeted audience and reduce the cost per click/conversion.” Social Media Examiner

3) Finding a common interest among those people and testing different concepts

Try to find a common interest among your audience is key for the development of your concepts. Try to be appealing to certain groups and create multiple campaigns to those groups. It’s fundamental that you test it within your tribe and throughout the day to find out which tribe is more responsive and at what time.

“Must Also Match” feature

1) What is the new Facebook feature?

Just like the idea of tribes, a common interest is not as simple to be identified. To simplify that concept and make it easier for marketers to get to their tribes, Facebook created the Detailed Targeting feature that allows companies to be able to experiment on different subjects. By identifying similar interests, the feature allows the company to identify and target connected interests.

2) Why should you use it?

“Several experiments in different categories and industries have shown that adding “must also match” interests leads to a more engaged audience and reduces click/conversion costs by up to 25%. For example, if you choose Twitter as an interest and Social Media Marketing as a “must also match” interest, it will work better than choosing both interests as usual or just one interest.” Social Media Examiner

The feature not only saves you money but also helps you understand your customer better. Consequently, you will be able to produce a better marketing strategy that will generate more revenue to the company.


1) Why should you retarget?

“Your marketing message typically needs to get in front of prospective buyers multiple times before they’ll be influenced to take action.  The average tech shopper uses more than 14 sources of information to arrive at their decision. Younger shoppers use over 21 sources. Email + Facebook Advertising helps get you to a high enough frequency that it will be noticed and remembered.” (Command

It creates some kind of pressure that will make the consumer react on that inner desire and convert it to action. Test your consumers as much as you can. Find out how much is too much for them and what is the right amount of advertising that you need to transform wants in purchases.

2) Possible segmentations

Try segmenting by the last visit, a number of pages the user visited, specific pages, time on the website, this will help you identify who is your valuable and loyal consumer. A good tool for segmenting your audience is the Google Tag Manager.


1) Mobile vs desktop

Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t distribute the advertising equally, so you have to run separate tests. Always test your work to know your audience and how they react to each platform.

2) Browsers

The browser used can a lot about your user. Different platforms represent different personalities and ways of purchasing.

Combine all the ideas above and will find yourself in a sweet spot. There’re several courses that you can take to help you target your audience better at Facebook, like Facebook Blueprint. All in all, this is based on research. Try to find the most that you can about your consumer and its likes and dislikes. Don’t be afraid to try something new and keep yourself up to date with the new trends. Now you are ready to go! Logging to Facebook now and enjoy this amazing world of advertising.

Written By: Carolina Levy

By |2017-10-03T13:45:18-04:00October 3rd, 2017|Advertising, Digital Marketing and Advertising, Facebook Ads|Comments Off on Surprising Facebook Ad Targeting Options to Supercharge Social Media Campaigns