How to Advance Your Career as a Copywriter in the Advertising Industry

How to Advance Your Career as a Copywriter in the Advertising Industry

Quite a few media industry sectors adhere to the practice of recognizing professional excellence by means of award ceremonies. Hollywood has the Oscars, television has the Emmy Awards, radio has the ARIAS, and the advertising industry has the annual Clio Awards to recognize creative excellence. Since the Clio Awards are truly global, the jury is comprised of 150 members from around the world. The gender parity is 50/50, and it includes market leaders such as Miami’s own Fernando Machado, chief marketing officer at Burger King. The Clio Awards have always featured a copywriting category, and a new category starting in 2019 will focus on copywriting as a film technique.

For copywriters seeking to advance their career, winning a Clio would be the pinnacle of success. The School of Communication + Journalism at Florida International University in partnership with Miami Ad School (MAS) offers a master’s in Global Strategic Communications (GSC) with a Creative Track program portfolio that recognizes creativity. This program has prepared many students for success in the competitive and creative field of advertising.

In today’s extremely competitive business world, brands have a profound need for copywriters who can write persuasive advertisements, blogs, and social media posts among many other materials. The GSC program teaches proven methods for developing a successful career as a copywriter. Our faculty has a wealth of real-world experience to share with students who want to get a competitive edge in terms of sharpening their writing skills and landing their dream job.

How to Advance Your Career as a Copywriter in the Advertising Industry Header Image - Laptop desk

Pay Attention to Ad Copy

As a professional in the marketing sector, you need to pay attention to the many ads that you see and hear every day. Where was it posted? When did you see it? Why did it grab your attention, or why? Advertising copy is on too many surfaces to list. You can learn about copywriting from sports drink bottles, Chipotle bags, and the billboards you pass on the Palmetto Expressway. Keep mental notes of what you like and what bores you. Let the best work be your inspiration. Borrow and modify ideas that grabbed your attention. Fill up your Evernote or Google Keep app with snippets related to promotional trends. Learning from the world around us is a frequently overlooked opportunity for those who are interested in learning more about advertising.

Learn to Write Content for All Media

Blog posts have different rules from magazine advertisements, and the same can be said about television and radio scripts, which in turn have a different set of writing rules from online videos. At FIU-MAS, you can gain in-depth knowledge of how to thrive on multiple media platforms. Today’s advertising copywriters must be ready to write for radio, television, YouTube, blog posts and anything else that comes their way. To learn more about the GSC Creative Track at FIU, contact a program advisor today.

Build an Impressive Copywriter Portfolio at Miami Ad School in Partnership with FIU

Applicants who want to excel in copywriting jobs will certainly benefit from a degree such as a Master of Science in Mass Communication. Presenting a compelling portfolio of work during the job application process is what will get the attention of hiring managers and marketing directors. FIU-MAS can provide you with numerous opportunities to take creative risks and hone your writing skills. Having a diverse body of work will provide clear proof of your ability to perform. FIU is a fully accredited state institution that offers financial aid opportunities to qualified students, and some of our courses can be completed online for the benefit of individuals who need to balance work and family obligations.

Network at FIU and Around Miami

FIU is located in Miami, the business capital of Latin American and one of the best cities for media in the world. Miami Ad School is located in Wynwood, which in recent years has become an urban hotbed of creativity. True to its name, FIU attracts an international community of students. As you socialize and study with your classmates, you’ll make connections that will become invaluable as you develop your career. Beyond the beautiful campus, there are numerous beaches, restaurants and historical locations that make great places to build relationships. Networking is crucial to a successful copywriting career.

Learn More About the GSC Creative Track Program at FIU

Visit our website to learn more about the GSC Creative Track within the Master of Science in Mass Communication graduate program. Contact Professor Grizelle De Los Reyes, program director through our contact form.

About the GSC Creative Track Program

The Global Strategic Communications Creative Track is a 39-credit program that culminates in a Master of Science in Mass Communications degree awarded by Florida International University and a certificate from world-renowned Miami Ad School’s portfolio program. The interdisciplinary program combines graduate-level academic courses with the creative skills-building curriculum taught by the leading portfolio school in the world.

By |2020-04-27T18:07:01-04:00October 7th, 2017|Before the degree, Career Development, Learning about GSC|Comments Off on How to Advance Your Career as a Copywriter in the Advertising Industry