Jobs You Can Get With a Master’s in Global Strategic Communications

Jobs You Can Get With a Master’s in Global Strategic Communications

Florida International University (FIU) in partnership with Miami Ad School (MAS) gives students the opportunity to earn Master’s Degrees with practical employment options after graduation. Our Global Strategic Communications (GSC) track has placed students in award-winning careers that have helped build an incredible reputation for our alumni and school. Depending on the focus of their study, FIU-MAS GSC students graduate with a stack of skills that can help them land a number of jobs in the world of advertising and media.

Jobs You Can Get With a Master's in Global Strategic Communications

  1. Art Direction

With the explosion of digital media, every business big and small has the opportunity to develop a media presence in order to grow and strengthen their brand. Art directors need to be able to listen to clients and observe the brand image they want to distribute. They must be creative and knowledgeable enough to suggest new strategies to clients that will stay true to their brand while opening room for growth. FIU-MAS can also teach future art directors how to manage the clashing talents and personalities on a creative team.

  1. Copywriting

Every company needs a website, and every website needs copywriters. With FIU-MAS GSC, students will learn the art of writing clean, persuasive and colorful copy. Copywriters need to know how to write scripts for radio, TV, online videos, blog posts, magazines, newspaper ads, and more. Students will develop a portfolio of written work intended to make them stand out to employers who are faced with an enormous stack of similar resumes on their desks. FIU-MAS GSC students learn effective ways to apply for jobs. When employers are figuring out if you can advertise for them, they want to know if you can advertise for yourself first.

  1. Project/Account Manager

FIU-MAS GSC can help you become a master communicator. This is a crucial skill set for people who want to become account or project managers for advertising agencies. Clients need clear, friendly communication to feel they are being understood and served by agencies. Project and account managers can develop listening and verbal and written communication skills that can help manage the strong personalities you will interact with when meeting with clients. Every agency needs to retain and add clients to survive. Your communication skills from FIU-MAS could become crucial to the very success and profitability of advertising employers.

Learn More About Florida International University’s Creative Track Program

Visit Florida International University’s website to learn more about the Global Strategic Communication Creative Track Master’s Program. Contact Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the FIU-MAS Creative Track Program at or fill out the contact form for additional information.

About Global Strategic Communications Creative Track Master’s Degree Program

The Global Strategic Communication Creative Track is a 39-credit hour program leading to a Master of Science in Mass Communication degree. This interdisciplinary program combines Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications graduate curriculum in communications theory, research, and strategy with Miami Ad School’s advanced skills curriculum in Copywriting and Art Direction

By |2017-10-23T18:58:07-04:00October 23rd, 2017|Before the degree, Career Development, Learning about GSC|Comments Off on Jobs You Can Get With a Master’s in Global Strategic Communications