4 Factors to Include When Considering a Masters Degree in Advertising

Before you get a master’s degree in advertising, you should figure out if advertising is the right path for you.

Let’s take a look at some of the factors you should account for when considering a master’s degree in advertising.

  • Do you like creative work?
  • Can you handle multiple projects at once?
  • Are you good with people?
  • Are you persistent?

Let’s take a more in-depth look at each of these factors.

  1. How to Know if Creative Work Like Advertising is Right for You
  2. Liking creative work is one of the most important factors when you are deciding if a master’s degree in advertising is right for you. Ask yourself the following:

    Do I like writing, illustration, videography, or graphic design?

    If you have ever devoted your free time to a creative passion project, you might be right for a master’s degree in advertising. This passion will help fuel you through moments of doubt when you are faced with different challenges.

  3. Why You Should Try Handling Multiple Projects at Once
  4. All creative agencies are structured differently, but one thing will remain consistent. You will have to manage multiple projects at once. You can practice doing this by working some freelance jobs in your passion field. You can also get a sense of it from handling multiple classes and deadlines at once. Knowing the ability to multi-task will be expected of you will help you have the right expectations when you get into this field.

  5. Why You Need to be a People Person to Work in Advertising
  6. Advertising creatives need to be good with people. There are so many dimensions of this field that require good people skills. When you are working in-house, you have to navigate numerous personalities. When you are meeting clients, you have to understand their industry and their needs and brand preferences. You will be accountable to people above you and people below you for deadlines and collaborative work. The better you are at managing people, the farther you will go.

  7. Why You Need to Be Persistent to Work in Advertising
  8. Take a deep breath, and brace yourself for this: creative work of all kinds and at all levels involves a certain amount of rejection. You will be rejected from job opportunities, competitions, and bidding-style contracts. Bosses will reject your idea, clients will reject your pitch. However, if you see each rejection as a learning opportunity, you will go far. None of these rejections mean you don’t belong in advertising. Some people work for years before having their first creative breakthrough.

Learn More About a Master’s Degree in Advertising, and Figure Out if Its Right For You

Florida International University in partnership with Miami Ad School offers you a chance to develop an incredible portfolio and establish a network of amazing like-minded contacts with our master’s degree in advertising program. Learn more by shooting an email to gdelosre@fiu.edu to reach Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the FIU-MAS Creative Track Program.

By |2018-09-06T09:52:47-04:00September 6th, 2018|Blog|Comments Off on 4 Factors to Include When Considering a Masters Degree in Advertising