UX Designer Degree and Career Path

UX Designer Degree and Career Path

The user experience and design career path fascinate people because the psychology of consumers’ spending habits is highly influenced by this field. You want people to enjoy using online apps, but also offline stores and outlets. This means you enjoy solving problems and applying various disciplines to improve on a given application.

At Florida International University and the Miami Ad School, in the Global Strategic Communication programs’ Creative Track of the Master of Science in Mass Communication you can add to your UX skills by understanding the context of the digital and creative context in which UX/UI is needed. In addition, the degree provides context for the necessity of these skills and helps build communication between them with subtracts in copywriting, art direction, social media, and content strategy.

While the field is growing at a rapid rate, providing many job opportunities, competition for existing positions will also increase. You want to stand out from the sea of applications and impress Human Resources. That means having a solid degree and working knowledge, including in the are of user-centered design.

What Is UX Versus UI Design?

Know your terminology regarding the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). They handle different parts of the user design process; UX is more technical while UI is more aesthetic.

When you work in UX Design, you use concept sketches, wireframing, and prototypes to handle the structural side of a product. Data exists for analysis in bulk. In short, you have to love working with nuts and bolts, as well as test them constantly to prevent potential problems. You also have to love working with computers, since many UX Design positions exist in the digital field. Prepare to research, analyze, and work with other people.

UI Design, in contrast, focuses more on how a product or service appears to the user. You apply research about customers and graphic design to new or upcoming products. Execution, implementation, and communication take priority. You need to know how to code and how to work with interactive interfaces.

Building The Career Path Of A UX/UI Designer?

Your first step as a UX Designer is to build a portfolio to show to recruiters and executives. Work on a collaborative project with a creative team, complete it and present in a clear and aesthetically pleasing fashion with the data that analyzes the KPIs. Show off your skillset and how you work in a team.

Then, host the portfolio on a website server that is easily accessible, looks professional, and will remain online indefinitely. Then develop your pitch and prepare to sell yourself on the fly. Fortunately, Miami Ad School is a premier, award-winning ad school where you will graduate with a portfolio ready to go.

Next, network online and in person. Connections can make all the difference in landing that dream job. While in the master’s program you will make lifelong friends in all areas of the creative field where UX/UI will be needed. Not only peers but also your professors and high-level professionals you will meet at events.

Finally, decide if you want to freelance or build your career in-house. Both options are highly viable and have tradeoffs. Freelancing offers more flexibility and less stability, while career in-houses are more likely to require a 9 to 5 regiment.

You can switch between the options. Deciding which one plays to your strengths, however, can save time and energy in the long run.

Learn More From The FIU/Miami Ad School GSC Creative Track

Florida International University and the Miami Ad School have collaborated to make a truly unique program. The Global Strategic Communication program’s Creative Track covers advertising and the multiple disciplines that new executives will need. You can learn UX/UI design principles from faculty with years of experience. The professors will teach their students how to incorporate the skills into practical campaign applications.

Do you feel ready to take the next step to expand your skills? Email Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the program at gdelosre@fiu.edu.

By |2020-11-19T10:46:22-05:00September 18th, 2019|Blog, Career Development|Comments Off on UX Designer Degree and Career Path