Escape the World with Daydream Glasses

Escape the World with Daydream Glasses


Life is not easy. We all have moments when we need to escape. When real life gets to be too much to handle and we need time to relax, we turn to our private thoughts. It’s the one place we can truly be ourselves, let our imaginations wonder, and keep 100% private.


Escape using advanced technology and allowing yourself to be one with your mind.


The highly sought-after daydream enhancing glasses. With these, you can watch your daydreams as if they were a movie!

I love to daydream. When I have a lot on my mind and I’m feeling overwhelmed, I like to take breaks, closing my eyes, turning on some music, and letting my mind wander. I mostly daydream, making a music video of the song currently playing or about things that could happen in a moment’s notice that would change my life dramatically.

For example, Jimmy Fallon (one of my idols) calling me up saying he wants me to be on his talk show. I do this mostly at night, when I can’t seem to sleep. My mind is too loud.

Daydream glasses would be an amazing product for me if it were possible to make. To be able to watch what I see in my mind through my eyes? Simply mind-blowing.aliceworld

By |2014-02-18T20:47:29-05:00February 18th, 2014|Creative Planning, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Escape the World with Daydream Glasses