Dibs! An app that might solve not just one, but a bunch of problems.

Dibs! An app that might solve not just one, but a bunch of problems.

Meet Dibs! A side project I’m working on right now, that might be ready by the end of thi year and will help the people and the planet in a huge way if it works as we expect.

Why we do it?

We want to make the world a better place, where the people have their needs satisfied.

How we want to do it?

By redefining the “give and get for free” culture, making the process easier. Making the people who interact with each other pursuing this end, able to know the best way to get rid of those things they don’t need or the best way to get those ones the do need.

What is it?

Dibs! is not reinventing the wheel but making it spin faster. There are already platforms to give away stuff, like the good old Craigslist, but none are as efficient as “Dibs!”. After doing extensive research in UX, we thought a way to make the process of taking or giving free stuff easier. I mean, it’s already free, why should it be a hassle? Think of “Dibs!” as a hybrid of the most used apps nowadays combined for the utmost UX. It feels like the Instagram of free stuff.

The leverage on current technology features we’re supporting on is:

1. Geolocation: Users will know where the item is located through different view modes.
2. Filter and Alerts: Users can search by categories and set customized alerts on items they would like to have.
3. Profile: The profiles will have a picture and access to the app settings.
4. Chat and Give/Take: Once a dibs happen, a temporary chat will appear connecting the users to get the process done.
5. Local: The users will only be able to see objects through a fixed range from 1 to 100 miles.
6. Upload: Users will be able to take pictures or video of the item. Users will be able to share it through social networks.

These features will be unique on the market:

1. Once someone dibs on an item it’s immediately taken out of the list, that makes the app addicting to check it multiple times a day to see what is new.
2. Smartchat: A geo-notification will ease the process, letting know the giver when the taker is about to arrive. In case the giver doesn’t respond, the taker can send a check-in alert to him.
3. Control: Users will be able to choose how much information they share.
4. Once someone dibs on an item, the owner will get a notification, they can choose either to accept or cancel and wait for someone else. That way the user don’t have to deal with multiple people sending you messages at the same time.
5. In the section where users upload pictures, there will be a feature we like to call “Curb Alert”, users will be able to post stuff they see in the streets. We will encourage users to post “Curb Alerts”, though we won’t assure that stuff will be available, as is in the streets.
6. The users will be able to upload the stuff by categories.
7. There are no old posts. If the post has been for more than 4 days, the app will notify the user who posted it to make sure it hasn’t been given away.
8. Feedback score. This feature will show the behavior of the users ranked by the own community.
9. Upload: Not only will the user be able to upload various pictures but also a video of the stuff, if they want.
10. User experience and interface design.


By |2014-02-18T20:43:34-05:00February 18th, 2014|Creative Planning, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dibs! An app that might solve not just one, but a bunch of problems.