10 credo’s for the aspiring creative mind

10 credo’s for the aspiring creative mind


In a busy, fast-paced world our creativity and thought processing gets cloudy. For this purpose, formulating  a personal manifesto can relieve some of those stresses. Discovering one’s own credo can help you stay motivated and focused towards your goals. Here are a few tips on how to get out of those hazy moments and help you stay on a successful creative track:

1. Enjoy the process of constructing and de-constructing even when it’s frustrating because the outcome supersedes the latter.

Creatives tend to be their hardest critics and tend to set their standards sky-high. Designing can be an on-going battle with our creative selves and can at times be stressful. However, after completing what sometimes feels like the impossible we gain a feeling of success unlike any other.

2. Embrace the mistakes.

No mistake goes without a purpose, instead they create opportunities for growth and learning. Don’t waste energy on the negatives and re-focus your thoughts on what has been learned throughout the process.

3. Ask questions in the now so you’re ahead in the later.

Develop a habit of asking questions. Inquiring minds gain deeper insights and innovative solutions.

4. Read more. 

It is important in a world of ever-changing technology, trends and information to read as much as possible. Learning is ongoing and essential to discovering new ideas and blooming your creativity.

5. Engage with all types of creatives.

Every discipline is a form of art. Whether it be in business, teaching, or accounting services. If we share thoughts and ideas with professionals in other fields, we can develop deeper meanings and relationships with our own work . Remember, everyone has something to bring to the table!

6. When you experience “deer in headlights” staring at a blank canvas, remember that everything begins with a line

Peter H. Reynolds, author of children’s book “The Dot” quoted, “Make your mark, and see where it takes you.” I taught this lesson to my elementary art students who needed a boost finding inspiration. Creatives can relate to this adolescent feeling through “creatives block” but it is important to not let that stop you in your tracks.

7. Share what you know with others.

Be a teacher. Exchange ideas and knowledge with those who aspire to learn and grow.

8. Accept and give constructive criticism. 

Good leaders give constructive criticism as it is a process of improvement. Receiving feedback is valuable to advancement in both personal and professional aspects.

9. Go for a run (or just head outdoors)

It is important to disconnect because it is in that process that we attain a clear mind and can gain better insight. It is necessary to keep a healthy mind, spirit and soul.

10. Have fun & stay positive!

Life is going to throw a thousand curve balls so have fun and hit them as hard as you can! Be persistent with your dreams and goals then mix that in with a smile, courage and positivity.

“Mark your mark, and see where it takes you – Peter H. Reynolds

By |2015-03-06T12:08:32-05:00March 6th, 2015|Art Direction, Before the degree, Creative Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 10 credo’s for the aspiring creative mind