Renewing and Surviving: How to Defy Status Quos

Renewing and Surviving: How to Defy Status Quos

There will always be ideas which you think cannot be surpassed. They can’t be done better; they are at the top of their game.

From this, great creatives are inspired and challenged. When creatives must digest the current status of the product, derive ways to make it better, and deter all obstacles, creatives finally have a chance to improve the idea.

In all honesty, it is a long path.

Be forewarned that, by challenging the status quo, you may gain enemies within the company. Most workers are in their comfort zone, which allows them to follow a routine. This routine keeps everything under control.

Even when that control doesn’t make an improving difference in the product and, consequently, in their lives (As in, every capitalistic company process is connected because a better product gets better sales, better sales get higher company incomes and higher incomes should lead to better employee benefits).

This fear to change leads to a lot of minimal but potentially harmful infrastructural changes, most of them unconsciously provoked because of this fear. This is why the foundations of a company tremble when there is a major change in the product chain.

Launching a new conception and design of the product, followed by the logistical change needed in the processes to make the new entity gain life to take on the market, will lead most of the workforce subject to bewilderment.

However, having this kind of creative journeys is good:

Believe me, co-op brainstorming it’s always fun and tends to be more useful:


That is why the Human Resources department in a company that is pursues a constant evolutionary path has to have a prepared internal workforce ready to take the lead on guiding the employees to the next move for the enterprise. Again, if the employees are already aware of what their own company is planning, they can be ahead of the game and be a plenty useful leverage for their own company’s sake. From coming up with new ideas to detecting potential problems that no supervisor could have prevented, employees will be prepared for this.

Still, always be aware:

“A company’s most valuable assets its always its employees”

That’s why making this selection is a hard process for the Human Resources department, as there are industrial secrets that can’t be revealed when there are new products incoming in the supply chain. This creates a dilemma, making the decision of choosing only the more indispensable personnel to know about the news.

There are a high number of issues within technology companies that are preparing to launch new products every year; A weak link in the chain can leak an important piece of information to the market or, even worse, to their direct competition.

Of course, there is always the possibility that it can be a deliberated move to affect the market trends and play with the suppositions, reviews and critiques coming out from it. This media buzz tends to affect the consumers in their decisions, making this kind of strategy a highly valuable “marketing chess move,” when played wisely.

By |2014-03-28T23:32:25-04:00March 28th, 2014|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Creative Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Renewing and Surviving: How to Defy Status Quos