A Portrait of Millennials

A Portrait of Millennials

I really enjoyed learning about Millennials during the Boot camp presentations. Allison O’Keefe gave the boot camp I attended and she shared some amazing information about Millennials that truly opened my eyes and helped our group to develop a better more relevant campaign to them.

Below I will share some of the takeaways from the Boot camp session she gave.



Millennials are hungry for information, see themselves as individualistic and exert a great deal of influence on others

Millennials are info-obsessed; want to learn more about relevant Categories and seek out reviews – good and bad


85% of Millennials say they think it important to express their individuality and they are a bit more apt than older consumers to strongly agree with this statement.

Their access to ideas and to broad-scale sharing is unprecedented and they use this access to make public “proclamations” of their individuality; in turn they expect those in the public eye to have unique POVs.


They share their experiences, are early adopters, and keep up with the latest trends—and they want to influence brands as well as friends.

More than 8 in 10 Millennials say they like brands to value their opinion and 3 in 4 say their friends look to them for their opinion on brands and products.

By |2015-05-24T16:49:50-04:00May 24th, 2015|Advertising, Recommendations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Portrait of Millennials