Do you have a Creative Brain?

A depiction of the brain and how logic fares against creativity [taken form]

Everyone carries a stereotype. From ‘dumb blondes’ to ‘typical Negros,’ from ‘cheap Jews,’ to ‘skater kids,’ we can all be categorized into some sort of stereotype. Just think about that homeless man who sits at the same corner every morning begging for change; subconsciously and unintentionally, we set expectations for everyone.

If you’re contemplating pursuit in life as a Creative, your thriving career depends on what stereotype you sell to the masses. A play on color, shapes, visuals and things associated with the 5 senses is usually a good starting point. However, to continue your development and presentation as the ultimate creative, brain power is a definite must.  A thriving creative career calls for a creative brain. So, do you have one?

Yes, we are the “right brainers” who possess and exercise a strong sense of imagination and wonder throughout every waking moment of our existence. To some, our obsession with  consumer goods and trying to make the world see life through our personal multi-colored glasses is precisely the reason why we could never be anything other than a “right brainer.”

Our appreciation of appearance, emotion and the senses point to our innate nature of being detail-oriented as opposed to logical. Forget the facts (unless they match our creative idea) and bring on the FUN! Creatives need to express themselves through means that are less rigid and more free-spirited.

Still unsure about the Creative Creed? If you marry imagery and imagination, then you’re definitely getting warmer. Creative brains engage in presentation, period. It can take the simplest thing, such as a ruby red apple and find clever ways to implement strategies and concepts into tangible outlets for communication of a brand message or belief. Each day you’re basically given your own personal soap box to “preach” to the masses and not only convince, but convict them as to why they need a certain person, place or thing in their lives.

You’re planted into society as a modern day Picasso, and exist to function as what society calls art directors and copy writers. Through the power of imagery and words the hope is that several consumer fish will bite your bait and, in turn, the brand will gain the faithful patronage of new and existing consumers.

If, after reading this blurb, you find yourself on the left side of life and you’d like to take a walk on the right, this BBC documentary on the Scientific discovery of how our brains create creativity and where insight comes from may interest you.

At the end of the day I believe Pablo Picasso said it best when he noted,

“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.”

Creatives should always leave room for the “why not” to evolve and take shape, even if it means going back to the drawing board.

By |2014-03-28T19:27:28-04:00March 28th, 2014|A brand called you, Creative Development, Creative Freedom, Hobbies and Creativity, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Do you have a Creative Brain?