The Amazing Television of the Future

The Amazing Television of the Future

I like this TV.

If I were to create a product, it would enhance entertainment and better suit the needs of people who want to watch TV.  TV is an important part of our culture because it provides people with entertainment and news.  It is a part of the everyday lifestyle of many people.

Although many don’t watch TV, most people do.  I would create programs that allow people to select their stories.  It is a similar idea to “choose your fate” books, where a reader can turn to a certain place in a book to go one way or another.  For example, if someone has a favorite character in a TV show, they can just follow them or help them make decisions and choices based on their preference.

The way this can be done is through budgeting more money for more filming and production costs.  This will create a more robust production, and will allow users to better understand their favorite characters while developing a better relationship with their favorite TV shows.  This will work for TV watchers who want to have a better connection with their entertainment.

How, then, will networks show commercials? Advertisements will be promoted on the pages where users select their path

I think this style of entertainment will become popular in the future because TV users will be more apt to select their own customized viewing and not general show watching.  Regular shows will still be available as an option, but TV users can explore the different aspects of a show and writers and producers can be more able to express their creative vision and freedom so the full story is actually told.

There may be walls in the way, but the life of a production can survive because of this model.  A show can have more viewership in one season.  However, the question might arise about what happens if no one wants to select one way to go on a television show.  For example, if most viewers choose for the main character to jump the cliff rather than wait until help comes.  This can be used to gauge what story lines will interest viewers more.

By |2014-03-21T16:34:37-04:00March 21st, 2014|Creative Planning, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Amazing Television of the Future