Traveling for the Soul

I believe in traveling; In exploring; In understanding different perspectives of everyday things. I love watching people: seeing how they walk, the way they talk, and watching the gestures they make. Though, strangely, traveling became a way to learn about myself.

I’ve explored many regions of the world and I always thought of it as a lesson: what can I apply to make my life better? Of course, not every travel is a mystical experience. Don’t get me wrong, some journeys are simply made to have fun and party, but other journeys are to nurture your spirit.

I believe there is a difference between a traveler and a tourist, which is probably the reason I hate taking trips with big groups. I’ve always preferred to be a group of 3 or maybe 4, tops, depending on the destination. 3 may be the perfect number (at least my favorite trips were taken with a group of 3).

I do think it’s important to visit the typical monuments and do expected touristy things. After all, you can’t go to Paris and neglect to visit the Eiffel Tower. But the most fun I had abroad was when I left the main road and simply “got lost,” camouflaged as a local.

Experiencing your destination as a local helps you feel like you belong in that place. A lot of people share this feeling, but not everybody is willing to take the risk. I understand this. Traveling is not easy and you may be reluctant of missing one of the “musts” you need to do at a location.

Of course, not everyone enjoys a trip the same way. Some people like to do cultural things, others like to explore the nightlife, and some visitors are there just for the food. This tends to vary according to age.

The most unique way to customize your experience is to get in touch with the locals. It doesn’t matter what you want to do at any place, it is always better when someone that actually know it is there with you! Wouldn’t it be great to know someone that understands what you are interested in and wants to show you around?

The product I’m presenting is a website were you can search for “non mainstream guides,” regular people, that happen to live in the city you plan to visit.  They will give their own “musts” along with other outings you can take with them during your stay.

You can check out what they like to do and their personalities.See if these things apply to your idea of what a travel should be and thus customizing your trip.

The website will be a medium to get in touch with these guides and ask them about different destinations. The whole purpose is to avoid doing “touristy” things and just mix with the culture. Go off the grid. As they say: “when in Rome, do as the Romans,” but with a Roman guiding you!

By |2014-02-18T20:04:01-05:00February 18th, 2014|Creative Planning, Fun with words and Copy Writing, Uncategorized, Web site design|Comments Off on Traveling for the Soul