5 Daily Doses of Inspiration


5 Daily Doses of Inspiration

It is 6:30 am and you are barefoot taking strides along the shoreline. You can feel the wet sand between your toes, breathe in the morning salty ocean and see the sun rising over the horizon. The beauty of what is earth sparks your inspiration!

Mental stimulation & inspiration is everywhere. To say that my inspiration is derived from one single element would be inaccurate. For me, it can be found in a few places.


I love to run. I feel freedom and accomplishment with every mile gained. When I first began running I could not pace myself for longer than 2 minutes. Now, I have a long list of races and half marathons that I have completed. It is not only a reminder that, as Adidas states, “Impossible if nothing”, but also gets my body in a healthy flow and I can think and see more clearly. Perhaps it is from the disconnect from the world and stress relief felt from my runs, but my creative juices start flowing.

“Logo Design Love” Blog

David Airey is an the author and blog writer of “Logo Design Love: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities”. In his blog and book he shares his creative thought process and how to solve design issues. Not only does he post amazing design work but also shares his insights on developing and presenting design ideas.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

-Dr. Dwayne Dyer, motivational speaker

Print Materials

Looking through magazines, newspapers, or books that have amazing art and advertisement motivate and inspire me. I have gathered several clips from print materials and compiled them into one reference book. This, of course, is a continuous cycle because advertisements are constantly being printed by the thousands.

People Watching

The interactions between people is very interesting. The exchange of emotions and ideas between people fascinates me. Furthermore, my personal conversations with others opens up my my own mind and furthers my knowledge on a daily basis.

Dwayne Dyer

Author of “The power of Intention” and motivational speaker, Dr. Dyer has fabulous inspirational talks that get me going in every aspect of my life. If I feel good spiritually and emotially, then my creative thinking is clearer and more successful. Not only does work becomes more meaningful but so does my friendships, aspirations, and life. It is important to have a healthy and positive mind in order strive beyond your own limits.

By |2015-02-24T03:16:56-05:00February 24th, 2015|A brand called you, Art Direction, Creative Development, Creative Freedom, Creative Planning, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Daily Doses of Inspiration