So, you want to change the world?

So, you want to change the world?

Many of us have big dreams and desires to make a ground-breaking impact on our community, country, or the world. We want to be able to put our John Hancock on “the next big thing”. However, there’s something we have to consider that’s even more important than the idea itself: followship.

In a TED Talk titled, “How to Start a Movement”, Derek Sivers explains they key to transforming a great idea into a movement that actually takes root and thrives. It’s a natural phenomenon for humans and animals to avoid the unfamiliar and the new. However, if one follows, then they set an example. With two more followers, then there can be a trend. Little by little, the minority of on-boarders becomes the majority and the original majority joins in just for the sake of not being the outsiders. Sivers illustrates this through dance:

On the recent anniversary of the Steve Job’s announcement of the iPod 9 years ago, we were reminded how unaccepting the world was of this self-acclaimed “revolutionary” technology. The general consensus of the public was that this over-priced device would never replace their already perfectly satisfactory mp3 players and CD players in their homes, cars, and computers. Some also criticized Jobs for venturing away from what should be Apple’s focus, computers. Then, what happened? Someone spent the outrageous $399.00 on the iPod. And then, another. And then, another. And now, many people, like myself, have no idea that there was ever any objection to the iPod or Apple choosing to take a cross-platform approach to the world of technology.
So, your next big idea. Ignore the naysayers. Ignore anyone who tries to keep you in your box. Be diligent to find that one passionate follower that you can trust to carry your big idea on their shoulders. Because, truth be told, you can’t carry it yourself.



By |2016-04-25T13:13:14-04:00April 25th, 2016|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Creative Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on So, you want to change the world?