Which Graduate Programs Can Advance Your Career in Advertising?

Advertising is a field that is nothing like law, medicine, science, or education because the path to success is far less linear and more varied. Advertising is an attractive career for writers, designers, and other creative types. This is because advertising offers lucrative pay for creative work. It also tends to be more stable and reliable than many other options for creatives. Advertising is the intersection between creativity and consumption. It is a challenging, imaginative job that could impact the buying habits of thousands or millions of people.

The modern marketer is an interdisciplinary professional, one that can call upon strategic creativity to plan, launch, track, and analyze effective advertising campaigns. A master’s in advertising and marketing builds upon foundational principles in marketing theory and consumer behavior and provides students with real-world instruction in strategic media planning, advertising management, digital marketing, branding and visual identity, client relationships, and more.

Master’s programs in advertising and marketing blend the study of marketing theory (like consumer behavior) with instruction in advertising techniques (such as market research and business intelligence). This effective combination prepares graduates for professional opportunities in today’s integrated marketing environment, and to use business intelligence to shape managerial decisions in creative design, account management, sales, digital marketing, and more.

Why Pursue A Masters in Advertising?

There’s a 12 percent growth predicted for marketing and advertising managers by 2022, which is much faster than average. With a Master’s in Advertising, you’ll put yourself in a unique position to earn one of these or many other roles. Advertising is seeping into all facets of life, including social media, print, online videos, billboards, radio, websites, TV shows, and video games. But the skills you’ll gain in a Master’s program can often be applied elsewhere.

If you are looking for a graduate program that will place you in a good position to have a future in advertising, you will be interested in Florida International University’s partnership with the award-winning Miami Ad School. This program combines the best of two powerful schools to give you a top-tier education that can set you up for success.

FIU’s Partnership With Miami Ad School And What It Means For You

FIU’s partnership with Miami Ad School gives you access to faculty members who have decades of experience working in the advertising industry. You will learn tried and true techniques for breaking out of a rut when faced with an advertising or branding challenge. You will also learn what real industry professionals want to see when they are hiring people. As a student of FIU-MAS, you will develop the type of portfolio that will get you interviews. You will also learn valuable interview techniques from people who have seen it all. If you are working in advertising, communication between people and your ability to sell yourself tell employers what they want to know about your ability to brand something or someone.

In graduate programs, students have the opportunity to shape their educational experience by concentrating their coursework in specific areas of study. Within the master’s in advertising and marketing, common specializations include global/multicultural marketing, enterprise marketing, marketing analytics, brand management, product management, and digital marketing. The unique selling proposition of the FIU/MAS GSC Creative Track focuses on creative strategy and branding, copywriting, and art direction while providing students the all essential portfolio with which to go out and impress an interviewer upon graduation.

How to Advance Your Career While You’re Still Studying at FIU-MAS

Career advancement and finding a path in advertising begins in school. You can use our beautiful South Florida location to connect with students from all over the globe. When you study in a graduate program from FIU-MAS, you get immediate access to hundreds of people your age who share similar goals to your own and have many overlapping interests. When you work on teams to complete group creative projects, you are showing off that you are someone with whom people can collaborate and cooperate. These skills are crucial to success in the world of advertising. Your connections here could well develop into a career later down the road.

Learn More About Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications – Creative Track Program

The Global Strategic Communication Creative Track is a 39-credit hour program leading to a Master of Science in Mass Communication degree. This interdisciplinary program combines Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications graduate curriculum in communications theory, research, and strategy with Miami Ad School’s advanced skills curriculum in Copywriting and Art Direction.

Visit Florida International University’s website to learn more about the Global Strategic Communication Creative Track Master’s Program. Contact Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the FIU-MAS Creative Track Program at gdelosre@fiu.edu or click here for additional information.

By |2020-05-14T15:17:53-04:00November 27th, 2017|Advertising, Before the degree, Learning about GSC|Comments Off on Which Graduate Programs Can Advance Your Career in Advertising?