Breakthrough Invention Saves Battery Life for 10 Years

Breakthrough Invention Saves Battery Life for 10 Years

‘Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.’  – Moshe Dayan

We call ourselves free, but how free are we? Any kind of force or compulsion threatens humanity into rebellion. In reality, we’re enslaved everyday; enslaved by devices that were originally designed to empower us.

Power instills in us the desire to shine. Unfortunately, today power resides in mobile devices. Truthfully, humanity has given in to technology. Our battery life determines our lifeline. Our world comes to a standstill at the very sight of the  “battery low” indication. From kids & students to working professionals alike, we are all affected by this horrendous occurrence. We all fear lack of convenience, connectivity, creativity and safety. Unsure and insecure are emotions we have forgotten how to deal with by ourselves.

Have you noticed when people realize they are on their last bar of charge? It’s interesting to observe how frantic we become. Rushing, no matter where we are, to find that magical cord that will restore us to sanity: our chargers. We’ve even gone to the extent of carrying portable batteries and chargers just so we are in control of it all.

But control’s not bad. Control & power, in a way, encourage the fearless and adventurous spirit. Think about it: what would happen if you lost your way en route an expedition and your battery was running low, or you get off at the wrong stop on the subway when your cell phone dies off. You’re drunk at a nightclub & cannot call your friends to come pick you up cause your phone just lost charge.

What if you have to make an important presentation or conference with your client & your laptop sleeps. In such moments any charging station is heaven on earth. A Starbucks by the highway or a plug point somewhere is an absolute treasure.

Mind Blowing Inventions Inc. acknowledges the human need to stay in control. Our devices stand by you, as you grow from progress to prosperity. You are the center of our every invention; our solutions are customized to meet your multi-mobile needs. Our expertise lies in being there for you in moments of truth. Anywhere you go and in everything you do, we aspire to be a promise of power: Power that keeps the unstoppable you alive; Power to make you experience what wireless truly feels like.

With a sole purpose of restoring the power to you, Mind Blowing Inventions Inc. brings you Power+. This is a non-invasive transparent sticker for mobile devices that sustains the power for an extended period of 10 years, regardless of usage.

Each mobile device has its own customized Power+ sticker. This sticker is optimized to work under all weather conditions and is removable by only the user’s finger print.

Forget your charger, turn the brightness level to high, play music at any volume you please, conference anytime anywhere. You will always experience a fully charged battery. Finally, you can feel the power of going wireless.










By |2014-02-18T20:45:05-05:00February 18th, 2014|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Creative Planning, Fun with words and Copy Writing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Breakthrough Invention Saves Battery Life for 10 Years