Rivo Will Revolutionize Your Drive

Rivo Will Revolutionize Your Drive

RiVo Will Revolutionize Your Drive


Why do you sit in your car on your driveway, motor running, just to finish a captivating story broadcasting from your local radio station? Why do you let the hours of your errands and work/school commute dictate to you what programs you can listen to on your daily drive? It’s 10:30 am on a Saturday and you’re going to the gym. Meanwhile, Car Talk is airing on NPR from 10am to 11am. You are far from a mechanic and care about cars no more than that they’ll reliably take you from A to B. Are you powerless over the talk radio and sports programming coming through your speakers?

Why have we allowed ourselves to remain in this model of choice-less audible entertainment regarding our radio stations?

The answer is that no one has believed in the possibility of adapting local radio the way other media has evolved. Well, we have and we haven’t, actually. There are satellite radios and podcasts on your mobile devices. There are cds and tape cassette players for you to play entertainment you already own. But what about your local radio broadcast? Or when travelling, coming across new stations you’ve never heard of? How can you bring these sources of often riveting radio entertainment under your control?

Why do we believe we should have control over the radio waves beaming into our car antennas? Simple, because we are used to choices, many of them. And we are used to getting what we want. What we prefer. How could this be applied to radio content? A device which sets timers and recordings for the audio content you like most. What can accomplish this feat? RiVo!

RiVo is like a digital video recorder, only it’s a digital audio recorder. A TiVo for your car radio! Sure there are subscription services like satellite radio that you can use if you’re willing to pay a monthly fee and purchase expensive equipment. But how about a car radio your pay for ONCE, with a record button and a digital interface that lets you program the shows and stations you listen to. A memory bank in the device will hold on to the audio you record, connected to a small battery that charges through your cigarette lighter which keeps it on even when the motor isn’t running. You could set it to record Diane Rehm from 10 to 11am weekdays, or Radiolab on Saturdays at 12pm. Or if you prefer music, you could set it to your favorite rock station to record the day’s audio. Then, when you hop in your car you could rewind and fast forward past commercials or songs you’re tired of. No more “SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY, MONSTER TRUCK RALLY AT [insert stadium]” or car ads with 50 lines of fine print recited in record speed at the end. No more. RiVo will put you in control of what you listen to. And like it’s video counterpart, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Join the Rivo Revolution!


By |2015-02-17T02:36:23-05:00February 17th, 2015|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Fun with words and Copy Writing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Rivo Will Revolutionize Your Drive