Volkswagen: A Brand that Inspires

Volkswagen: A Brand that Inspires

Get In. Get Happy.

volkswagen_get_in_get_happyI always try to live by the quote “live life to the fullest” and this campaign is just a reminder that each day is the chance to laugh and enjoy life. I don’t own a Volkswagen and I’m not very familiar with car brands but out of all the companies that I know, Volkswagen is the most iconic, creative and diverse.

Most people fell in love with Volkswagen’s “The Force” commercial that aired during the 2013 super bowl featuring the young boy dressed up as Darth Vader, and would consider it their favorite. Not me, though. Over countless times I find myself enjoying the “Get In, Get Happy” campaign. I’m not sure if it’s the catchy music, the people, or maybe it’s just the continuous happiness portrayed throughout the entire campaign that I enjoy so much. In particular, I enjoy the TV spot that features the wide arrange of people just laughing. It’s so simple but it creates such an impact to the audience. It captures the audience right from the beginning and the different laughs have them laughing or smiling along. It’s that joy and laughter that you want to bring to people that allows them to fall in love with your company, product or message.

With the newfound importance of social media, one of my favorite ideas that Volkswagen created is the “Why VW” campaign featuring hashtags #VWStories, #VWValues, and even it’s own Facebook page. This type of media allows consumers to share their stories and connect with the brand on a more personal level.

If you look at the VW Beetle, it’s always been a symbol of hope for America, from its early days during the 1940s to today. It’s been around for a really long time and continues to grow.

Since I was young, my siblings and I would play the “slug-bug” game in the car, we would hit each other in the arm every time we passed a beetle. At the time, we were too young to realize that it was a part of the VW brand, but this game got us thinking and talking about their cars. There aren’t many people who could say that they have never heard of Volkswagen or the beetle. Everyone knows them and for most people, it’s the only car they can pick out in a crowd.

There are many other brands out there that I admire and would love to work for, but Volkswagen has a special spot in my list of favorites. The way their ads feature pure laughter, their iconic brand image, how they connect with their audiences on a personal level, and their ability to keep up with a changing world is something I really admire.

By |2015-02-26T23:23:30-05:00February 26th, 2015|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Creative Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Volkswagen: A Brand that Inspires