My Inspiration

Old Spice

I’ll tell you why I love the ad industry in one word: balls. The best advertising, as with any creative practice is executed with unwavering, unapologetic, brass balls. Playing it safe is overrated, and inside the incessant noise of the media world, getting a reaction is better than nothing at all. Everyone likes to talk about embracing individuality, but in practice it’s not uncommon to see people clam up and simply go through the same motions as everyone else (I’m looking at you, clients).

You know what brands inspired me to jump into this industry? Dos Equis and Old Spice. “The Most Interesting Man in the World” lived up to its name, to the point that it transcended commercials and made its way into the Internet, becoming the most interesting meme around. Even if you’re not a beer drinker, he’s so memorable that you recall him being present in all of your past memories (it was my first attempt, be gentle).

Dos Equis

Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign really captured the essence of the brand in a memorable way. It was bold, sexy, hilarious and defied all logic; the very same qualities your man should possess in real life.

Many more awesome and ballsy ads have aired since then, like Snicker’s “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” commercials, which communicates the universal truth of hunger in a brilliant way, but they will never have the same effect on me as the brands above. I hope to someday make work that surpasses that caliber. This half-as-interesting man can dream.

By |2015-04-22T12:19:00-04:00April 22nd, 2015|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Creative Freedom, Fun with words and Copy Writing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on My Inspiration