Jack Flappers

Denny's Fan Video: Jack Flappers from Alex Molinos on Vimeo.

***** My Labor of Love

Assuming you just experienced the magic of Jack Flappers above, I’m going to walk you all through how this was made and why I will forever love this project.

This video was part of a 360 campaign I was assigned to do as a final project for a brand I liked in a copywriting course known as “Wordsmithing”. Because of my undying love for 24-hour American diners, I chose Denny’s.

I really miss breakfast. There’s just something about waking up early in the morning to fill up on a hearty meal that really makes me feel whole. Those days are gone. I’m lucky to wake up before noon, if I can help it. When my schedule required me to wake up early for class or work, finding the time enjoy a full breakfast was nearly impossible if I hoped to arrive on time. I know my problem is almost universal; breakfast is neglected and it’s a crying shame. Thankfully, the universe saw it fit to bless us with a diner that allowed one to enjoy breakfast time anytime. If one misses breakfast, they can always catch up on it at Denny’s.

Following the insight that breakfast is the most neglected meal of the day, I created the character Jack Flappers. Missing breakfast is the sign of a person whose priorities are out of order; a person whose barely squeaking by the road of life. This isn’t so for Jack Flappers. Armed with a smoldering hot passion for flapjacks, Jack Flappers takes life by the horns and snaps them right off. His flawless attendance at the breakfast table grants him an aura that would give the most interesting man in the world a run for his money. He’s a man whose got it together, and one can’t help but simply love him.

At the time of my presentation, it was very well received, but what was most impressive was the lasting impact. People still talk about the campaign and love how it managed to make them laugh while giving them an urge to eat at Denny’s. I loved this project, not simply because I was able to fun to the fullest extent of my creative freedom, but because I also got to experience the joy of making people laugh while getting a message across as my future profession intends.

God bless you, Jack Flappers.