Top 10 Reasons To Choose The Master’s Program Over Portfolio School

Top 10 Reasons To Choose The Master’s Program Over Portfolio School


10. Let’s face it: your parents (AKA financial aid) prefer you get a degree.

Your financial backers, whoever they are, prefer you get something that counts professionally.


9. You have never tried Art Direction or Copywriting?

There are very few people in ad school who have. Why not try? It could be your thing.



8. I <3 Diplomas

In portfolio school, you get a certificate saying you graduated. It’s not a diploma. Seriously, get the diploma instead; you will seem smarter.


7. OK, I’m Thirty years old. Two years in a portfolio program? When can I live my life again?

Lucky for you, the master’s program is a brief 18 months, and you get a master’s degree. Way more appealing to companies, especially if you don’t have much experience.


6. It’s more impressive.

You can show your portfolio and people might think, “wow,” or you can show your portfolio along with a master’s degree. Thus, a totally a different “WOW!”


5. I can teach… can you?

The best part is, if I get bored in the work field, I have the credentials to mold future minds. Amazing.


4. Demand more money.

Supposedly, with a master’s degree, you can earn more money… this sounds good to me. Doing what I love + making more money= an amazing idea.


3. College Part 2

So, you went to college and you’ve already worked a few places. But, the adult world is hard. Why not go back to the college lifestyle, and make yourself more marketable?


2. Make your campaigns smarter.

In the master’s program, you combine strategy, psychology, sociology AND creative into your campaigns. Not only do you get to be creative, you make your creativity smart. Brilliant idea!


1. Challenge yourself.

To some people, this may not seem fun, but challenges make you better. The master’s program makes you switch your brain on and off from creative to academic. You’ll be working for 5 hours on a commercial, then another 5 hours on a paper. It’s not an easy switch, but it’s worth it in the end.






By |2014-04-01T22:23:35-04:00April 1st, 2014|A brand called you, Art Direction, Before the degree, Career Development, Fun with words and Copy Writing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Top 10 Reasons To Choose The Master’s Program Over Portfolio School