LEED Green Associate Exam Achievement Award2018-10-01T18:33:33+00:00


We support the sustainable professional development of our students. Thus, the FIU Interior Architecture Department is pleased to offer monetary awards to students who successfully pass the LEED Green Associate Exam. Each year, LEED Achievement Awards will be given to a selected number of students who apply for the Award and pass the exam.


Applicants must:

  • be enrolled as an FIU Interior Architecture student in the Fall semester following the successful completion of the LEED Green Associate Exam.
  • register their intent with the Interior Architecture Department prior to taking the exam.
  • pass the LEED Green Associate Exam.


  • There are no required prerequisite courses for this award. Students are encouraged to complete IND 5628 Sustainable Practices in Interior Architecture prior to taking the exam, however the course is not a prerequisite for award eligibility.


Before taking the exam applicants must:

  • submit both the Registration of Intent form and confirmation of the test date (provided by the Prometric testing center) to the Interior Architecture Department prior to taking the exam.

After taking the exam applicants must:

  • provide proof of passing the exam (documented by the Prometric testing center) before the deadline stated below, and
  • submit a “selfie” photo with the passing Prometric document or LEED Green Associate certificate for use on Facebook and Departmental promotion.


To be considered for the Award, students must pass the exam and submit proof of passing no later than August 15.


The Department has a limited number of awards and the number of awards may vary from year to year. If the number of applicants is less than or equal to the number of awards, all applicants will receive an award. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of awards, the Interior Architecture faculty will select the winners in a random drawing.

The Awards will be announced/awarded at the beginning of the Fall semester each year.

To download the LEED® Green Associate Exam Achievement Award – Registration of Intent Form, click here.