Master of Science In Art Education – MS

Applicants for admission to the Master of Science in Art Education program must hold or qualify for the Florida teacher certification in art at K-12 institutions. All applicants must also satisfy the Board of Education admission requirements. A GPA of 3.0 or higher in the last 60 semester hours of upper-division undergraduate study.

Application materials must include two (2) letters of recommendation, a résumé, a statement of personal philosophy/professional goals consistent with the objectives of the master’s program.

After submission of application, applicants must schedule a portfolio interview with the program director. The Portfolio should contain fifteen (15) pieces of artwork including at least three (3) drawings.

Best Art Colleges in Florida

Degree Information

Degree Program Hours: 36

FIU Graduate School Admissions – Apply Online

For a complete list of requirements and courses, visit: Graduate Art + Art History Course Catalog 2023-24

*For a complete list of Graduate Faculty in the Department of Art and Art History, please go to Gradschool Graduate Faculty


Application Deadline for Fall 2025 – June 1, 2025
Application Deadline for Spring 2026- October 1, 2025
Degree Requirements

The MS requires 36 semester hours of course work at the graduate level to be distributed as follows:

Select 6 credits from the following6
Foundations of Educational Research (EDF5481)3
Curriculum Design for Childhood Education (EDE6205)3
Secondary School Teaching Field (ESE6215)3
Psychological Foundations of Education (EDF 6211)3
Graduate Study Abroad in Art/Art Education3-6
Art / Art Education30
ARE 6140 Curriculum and Instruction in Art 3
ARE 6262 Organization and Coordination of School and Community Art Programs or
ART 5853 Visual Arts Marketing
ARE 6746 Seminar in Art Education: Contemporary Issues and Research 3
Art History Elective3
Graduate Studio Art  18

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Department of Art + Art History or the FIU University Graduate School:

Department of Art + Art History
Florida International University
VH 216, Modesto A. Maidique Campus – Miami, Florida 33199
Tel: (305)-348-2897

David Y. Chang
Art Education Director
Department of Art + Art History
Office: 305-348-2897 Email:

Christopher Rodriguez Barake
Sr. Coordinator of Academic Support Services
Department of Art + Art History
Office: 305-348-6648 Email:

University Graduate School
Modesto A. Maidique Campus, MARC 240
11200 S.W. 8th Street Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-2455 | Fax: (305) 348-3433
Email: Website:

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