Bachelor of Arts in Art

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Art program offers a wide range of experiences in studio art, including technical and formal concerns, experimental and conceptual development, while also allowing concentration in a focused area of study or exploration of other academic disciplines within the University. The BA in Art establishes the foundation towards an artistic career. It qualifies for advancement to graduate education such as MFA in Visual Arts, MAT or MS in Art Education, and MA in Arts Administration.

Degree Program Hours: 120

Transfer students can verify prerequisites by visiting FIU Transfer and Transition Services – Transfer Guides

For a complete list of requirements and courses, visit: Undergraduate Art + Art History Course Catalog 2021-22

FIU Undergraduate Admissions online visit: Apply to FIU

Academic Standards

To progress into upper-division BA in Art Major courses, students must complete the four lower division foundation courses (12 credits) with a minimum GPA of 2.50 or greater in two attempts or fewer.

These courses include:

  • ART 1201C 2D Design
  • ART 1203C 3D Design
  • ART 2300C Beginning Drawing
  • ART 2330C Beginning Figure Drawing

Drops after the add/drop period, which result in a DR grade are considered an attempt in the course and count as an unsuccessful enrollment. Students who do not satisfy this requirement will be advised to change major to other degrees such as BA in Art History or BA in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Common Prerequisite Courses and Equivalencies

FIU Course(s)Equivalent Course(s)
ARH 2050ARHX0506
ARH 2051ARHX0516
ART 1201CARTX201
ART 1203CARTX202 or ARTX2031
ART 2300CARTX300
ART 2330CARTX301 or ARTX3302 or ARTX2053 or ARTX3104 or ARTX3055
  1. Design II, 3D
  2. Figure drawing
  3. Color, color composition
  4. Intermediate drawing
  5. Observational
  6. All courses except ARHX050 and ARHX051 require a “C” or higher.

Courses which form part of the statewide articulation between the State University System and the Florida College System will fulfill the Lower Division Common Prerequisites. Please visit for a current list of state-approved common prerequisites.

Lower Division Requirements24 Credits
ARH 2050 Art History Survey I3
ARH 2051 Art History Survey II3
ART 1201C 2-D Design3
ART 1203C 3-D Design3
ART 2300C Beginning Drawing3
ART 2300C Beginning Figure Drawing3
Studio Electives6

Upper Division Requirements60 Credits
ARH 4450 Modern Art3
ARH 4470 Contemporary Art – GL3
ART 3820 Research & Development – GL6
Studio & Art History Electives (6 Art History credits max)39
Advisor Approved Electives12

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Department of Art + Art History or the FIU Office of Undergraduate Admissions:

Department of Art + Art History
Florida International University
VH 216, Modesto A. Maidique Campus – Miami, Florida 33199
Tel: (305)-348-2897

Maida Purdy

Academic Advisor III

Department of Art + Art History
Office: 305-348-7500

Lauren Gentile

Lauren Gentile

Academic Advisor II

Department of Art + Art History

Office: 305-348-7500

FIU Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Florida International University
P.O. Box 659003, Miami, Florida 33265
Tel: (305)-348-2363