Certificate in Portrait and Figurative Art2023-04-25T19:36:54+00:00


Certificate in Portrait and Figurative Art

The Certificate in Portrait and Figurative Art is designed to give interested students the knowledge and skills necessary to have a successful professional career in portrait and figurative art. The Certificate is offered to students in FIU’s Department of Art+ Art History.

Only students majoring in a degree program at FIU’s Department of Art+ Art may enroll in the Certificate program. The course titled Classical Drawing (ART 3314C/ART 4322C) must be taken during the first two semesters of the program. In addition, a grade of B or better in the first two (2) studio courses is a prerequisite for continuing in the Certificate program. Students must receive a grade of a B- or better in all the required courses in order to graduate.

For more information contact the Academy Director: Prof. David Chang changd@fiu.edu

For a complete list of requirements and courses, visit: Undergraduate Art + Art History Course Catalog 2022-23

  • PortratitKidCert
  • PortraitOlderman1
  • PortraitFloweers
  • PortraitboyFIU

Portfolio requirement for consideration into the program:

5-8 Observational Drawings (any medium)
3-5 Observational Paintings (any medium)

Program Requirements: 18 credits

Required Academy Studio Courses – 15 credits
Select five (5) from the following:
ART 3314C Classical Drawing
ART 4322C Advanced Classical Drawing
ART 3335C Portrait Drawing
ART 4335C Advanced Portrait Drawing
ART 3569C Portrait Painting
ART 4517C Advanced Portrait Painting
ART 3560C Figure Painting
ART 4560C Advanced Figure Painting
ART 3512C Landscape Painting
ART 4514C Advanced Landscape Painting

Other art history courses may satisfy the requirement with approval from the Academy Director.

Required Academy Studio Courses – 3 credits
Select one (1) from the following:
ARH 4312 Later Italian Renaissance
ARH 3350 Baroque Art
ARH 4413 Enlightenment and Romanticism
ARH 4414 Nineteenth Century European Art
ARH 4450 Modern Art

For more information contact the Academy Director:
Prof. David Chang changd@fiu.edu

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Department of Art + Art History

Department of Art + Art History
Florida International University
VH 216, Modesto A. Maidique Campus – Miami, Florida 33199
Tel: (305)-348-2897

Christopher Barake

Christopher Rodriguez Barake
Sr. Coordinator of Academic Support Services
Department of Art + Art History
Office: 305-348-6648 Email: crodri@fiu.edu

Maida Purdy

Maida Purdy
Academic Advisor III
Department of Art + Art History
Office: 305-348-7500 Email: mapurd@fiu.edu

Lauren Gentile

Lauren Gentile
Academic Advisor II
Department of Art + Art History
Office: 305-348-7500 Email: lgentile@fiu.edu

University Graduate School
Modesto A. Maidique Campus, MARC 240
11200 S.W. 8th Street Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-2455 | Fax: (305) 348-3433
Email: ugs@fiu.edu Website: https://admissions.fiu.edu/how-to-apply/graduate-applicant/index.html