Hyundai’s #BecauseFutbol explains the Baby Boom

Hyundai’s #BecauseFutbol explains the Baby Boom



Every four years, countries unite in pride to see their favorite soccer players battle each other with one goal in mind: becoming the Fifa World Cup Champion. Whether you’re a soccer aficionado, a girl who just wants to look cool amongst her guy friends or a complete novice to the sport, the World Cup hype is infectious. Fans flock to local bars, friend’s home or even watch at the comfort of their office desk via live-stream simply to rival in the action. Not only are Hispanics watching this traditionally Hispanic sport, but America’s are also embracing the spirit of the game. But what really “drives” fans is the passion for the game and Hyundai has captured how this passion can single handedly affect an entire generation. 

Hyundai launched this #BecauseFutbol campaign during the opening match of the World Cup this past Thursday, which exposed this specific execution to 9.5 million people across the globe. This strategically placed the brand in a position that establishes them, as a one that is there for consumer’s during important and considerately emotion life moments. With a clever plot twist, which depicts fans’ passion during the tournament as being the catalyst that causes a “Baby Boom”, Hyundai has found a way to break between the clutter of various World Cup spots in a creative and humorous way. By featuring such a special life moment, Hyundai was able to target and reach a more diversity demographic of both males and females (18-25+) that are watching the World Cup. Additionally, by having the spot subtitled, this spot caters to both US Hispanics and general market audiences. By launching this commercial during the opening match, the brand strategically understood that this would be a huge opportunity to reach their target audience and one that would promote engagement to the overall social component to this campaign.

With a catchy CTA, the spot entices viewers to share their passion for fútbol through #BecauseFutbol. By visiting , viewers are exposed to a live-feed landing page of user-generated memes, which revolves around soccer-related images and conversations that include the hash tag. Users are prompted to created their own meme through a tool provided through the landing page or submit their own, where users and visitors can like and share on their own Facebook and Tumblr pages. By expanding this campaign from television to a social experience, the brand capitalized on insights that many soccer fans are extremely connected and engaged with the World Cup online buzz and chatter, especially Hispanics. Finally, the social experience offers users the ability to search for the best locations (ie. Bars, Pubs, Restaurants) to watch the next match through an interactive map. Again, Hyundai is catering to a diverse and large audience by offering a geo-targeted social experience and pushing an over-arching messaging that Hyundai is a brand that wants to help you enjoy these special moments.

So has this campaign been successful? Well… the spot was exposed to 9.5 million eyeballs to during the opening match and currently has 35,991 views on Youtube. With the social realm, Hyundai has 1.7 million followers on their Facebook page and the spot has 134 Likes with 13 shares. Finally, their social experience has over 100 memes currently on the landing page with multiple likes and shares, which grows daily. Overall, one can conclude that Hyundai has successful targeted their market and strategically planned this campaign in a way to position the brand that truly understands, impacts and affects a generation. 

By |2014-06-17T20:55:12-04:00June 17th, 2014|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Creative Strategy, Digital Marketing and Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hyundai’s #BecauseFutbol explains the Baby Boom