Positive Land, Positive Advertisement!

Positive Land, Positive Advertisement!



The media in Latin America has experienced a significant improvement as consumers of different products gain a much deeper understanding of the Internet and how to make it grow and become a versatile powerful tool for advertising. Nowhere is this significantly illustrated than in the Energizer Company’s Positive Land Campaign in Latin America. In order to reach a wide audience, the advertisement utilized different media and techniques to grow and enhance its capacity. To begin with, new media tools such as Facebook and Youtube were utilized to make a strong case for the growth of the advertising. The YouTube was an avenue for the uploading of the Video, which was then shared on Facebook to carry on the message to different audiences in the Latin American region. Apart from the medium of transfer, the advert also utilized Facebook in getting the core message of the advertisement across.

  • How was this achieved? Well, this was achieved through the elaborate distinction which illustrated how users of Energizer’s new website can utilize Facebook to become a citizen of Positive Land, as they called it.

This was not only innovative but it also represented the great shift in using the new media in promoting their company by providing games that individuals can play and get excited about while enjoying Energizer’s products. The end result was that people were and are still able to get the information at the comfort of their homes or workplace while handling their other duties especially since the Video itself is self-explanatory and users can get access through the usage of YouTube for explanation.

The most important aspect was that the advertisement was presented in Spanish, which as we all know is the main language in Latin American (not counting Brazil), hence enabling it to reach a wider audience while creating a more enhanced atmosphere for the growth of the advert through English translations. Another important aspect of the advertisement that I found interesting is that the company had used innovative measures to create a strong alliance between the social media and the users who are mainly within social media.The video went viral easily because the message was one of creating more fun to internet users who were in most cases frequent users of Facebook. The virality of the video was also assured through the use of the YouTube as an online media of transfer hence enabling many people, including myself, to access and watch the video.

The video was uploaded in September 10, 2013, and became part of the top six advertisements in Latin America a week later with millions of users lining to make sure they get a first-hand experience of the Positive Land advertisement that had gotten its first users excited. Since then the advert has remained part and parcel of the Best Ads and in 2014, the company still projects increase in revenues owing to the reception they got. It is this perception that creates significantly positive message about Energizer, especially because they are able to excite their clients by producing many new things that require attention at different costs. This aspect has led to an increase in shares as investors seek to cash in on the potential impact they are having and the financial returns that such successful advertising has on the overall population of Latin America. This is significantly a part and parcel of the progressive development of the company’s global stature. In fact, my first impression was that the advertisement created a strong case for Energizer’s products because it enabled the Energizer company to have a very significant online presence hence making it part of the experience of their clients who would wish to use it more.

What do you guys think about this advertisement?

CHECK IT OUT! (click on the word below)


Adriana Valencia

By |2014-06-17T18:29:59-04:00June 17th, 2014|Advertising, Creative Planning, Creative Strategy, Digital Marketing and Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Positive Land, Positive Advertisement!