7 Simple Tips That Will Boost and Inspire Your Creative Skills

7 Tips Simple That Will Boost and Inspire Your Creative Skills


Inspiration is an important factor to get the best out of our creativity. Without inspiration, creativity grinds to a halt and we can barely think or create. Involving ourselves in a couple of activities can help bring out the best out of our creative strengths as well as fuel more ideas to sketch, write, paint, sing or mould.

The following are ways that can help us get the best out of our creativity:

  • Yes you can!

Belief is the single most important requirement of creativity. Creativity requires that we push ourselves beyond our limits. Once we believe we can, we can create anything and everything. The best of painters and artists believed in the unimaginable, like Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso and Michelangelo. Having a limit to our abilities blocks us from exploring the furthest of our abilities.

  • Change your routines

Routine can block our inspiration. We need to be able to think outside the blocks and outside our comfort zone. Get out from normal routine and try different things; listen to new music, travel to different places and environments and watch different clips or movies. This will open your mind to new things you have never imagined.

  • Exercise more

Join the gym, jog more, cycle, swim, do yoga or aerobics. Studies have proven that exercising fuels the brain by creation of neurons in the brain. Exercise activities stimulate the brain and help us form new imaginations and ideas in our brains. These ideas are what helps fuel our creativity further.

  • Appreciate nature and the environment

The natural environment has a calming effect to the body and mind. Peace of mind enables us to think and imagine. Nature has been proven to stimulate and rouse the senses which are critical to imagination. Go out more into the woods; listen to the chirping of the birds and the crickets. Watch the stars and the moons at night. The serenity of nature will definitely help expand your creative horizon.

  • Read, read and read!

Inspiration can come from others who have achieved success in our field of interest, be it art, music, poetry or literature. Adopting a reading habit, going through renowned works of artists can help give us plenty of ideas to do our own styles. Moreover, reading on what fuelled the imaginations of the given artists helps us know how to get the best out of our creative skills.

  • Consult widely

Seek for advice from peers and professionals alike. Do not hide your work in fear of inferiority. It is only when we fail that we can learn from our mistakes and improve on our shortcomings. So create more, share your content widely, and let people critique your creative pieces. Having many people to talk to and consult helps us get a wider perspective. This helps us see things from a wider angle which ultimately makes us better artists.

  • Embrace your emotions

No emotion is bad emotion when it comes to creativity. Do not abandon your creativity just because you “are not in the mood”. Creativity cuts across all human emotion. Create when dull, create when moody, create when excited, and create when happy. Always create and seek to capture all emotions. This will bring out a variety in your pieces which makes you a better artist, able to capture all human emotion in a creative process. Embrace any emotion that comes your way and convert it into a creative piece.

It is only when we are able to capture and embrace our creativity that we can get the best out of it. So challenge yourself today, try something new, change routines, change your style, consult widely and capture all emotions. You will be surprised at how easy it is to channel your skills into meaningful pieces.