
Thinking Strategically by Researching Your Future

On the job hunt, there are many obstacles one must overcome in order to succeed and to stand out from the other runners presenting the same qualities you have (or at least to the eyes of who is hiring you). There are 5 types of planners in the market: which one are you, and does your portfolio […]

By |2014-04-02T12:29:42-04:00April 2nd, 2014|A brand called you, Advertising, Art Direction, Before the degree, Career Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Thinking Strategically by Researching Your Future

Campaign Critique: Brita – Nothing is Better

  Brita’s new commercial has yet another “soda is bad, water is good” campaign. Sadly, the commercial doesn’t capitalize on its tagline, ‘Nothing is better’. Instead, it goes forth to establish a known fact; water is better than soda. The commercial does not sell the fact that “Brita’s” purified water is the taste of refreshingly pure […]

By |2014-04-02T00:40:27-04:00April 2nd, 2014|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Campaign Critique: Brita – Nothing is Better

The Most Insightful Readings for Ad Students

The following books have been very helpful for me, in one way or another. I believe every ad student should check them out. Even if you don’t get anything useful from them, at least you can brag about reading them during a job interview! Way to look smart! Hey Whipple, Squeeze This! By Luke Sullivan This is an obvious choice, […]

By |2014-03-25T19:08:33-04:00March 25th, 2014|Advertising, Recommendations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Most Insightful Readings for Ad Students

The most talked about 2014 Super Bowl Ads

The Super Bowl: it’s a big pair of words, isn’t it? The adjective “Super” at the start makes it so powerful that you would think it is the biggest game in the world (though, maybe it is). In this crazy advertising realm, we still acclaim it as a big event. Even when they are not the […]

By |2014-02-18T21:01:57-05:00February 18th, 2014|Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The most talked about 2014 Super Bowl Ads

Super Bowl Ads

Super Bowl ads make people that do not work in the industry feel like they are the judges of an Ad Contest.  It makes them feel excited about the game being paused. They actually enjoy looking at an ad and evaluating if it met its expectations. I think this year, people just got disappointed. It […]

By |2014-02-18T21:00:30-05:00February 18th, 2014|Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Super Bowl Ads

Chrysler and Microsoft, proving funny isn’t the only way to go.

The SuperBowl has been known as the epitome of advertising showcases for the entire duration of this 20-something’s life. Toted as the ultimate display of what the industry has to offer, each agency and brand represented during the game is under immense pressure to stand out as millions of consumers watch on and judge. In […]

By |2014-02-18T20:59:42-05:00February 18th, 2014|Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Chrysler and Microsoft, proving funny isn’t the only way to go.

Best SuperBowl Commercial

Is the Radio Shack’s blast from the past commercial its ticket to a successful retail future? Defying the norm of being phenomenally inspirational or outrageously funny, this years RadioShack ‘Phone call’ Super Bowl commercial by GSD & M evokes nostalgia. Nostalgia, emerging from a trip down memory lane of a beloved era – The 80’s.Bringing […]

By |2014-02-18T20:58:49-05:00February 18th, 2014|Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Best SuperBowl Commercial

SuperBowl Ads: The Element of Surprise

  The SuperBowl is home to two things: great football and really expensive ads. A good game can have people talking about it for days, but a good ad can produce results that will last much longer for the product or service being advertised. In 2010, Frito Lay launched an onslaught of ads in an […]

By |2014-02-18T20:56:50-05:00February 18th, 2014|Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on SuperBowl Ads: The Element of Surprise

The Favorite Super Bowl Ads of 2014

For the past several years, ad agencies have done such a great job bringing us consumers a compilation of compelling commercials, that they are genius, memorable, and effective marketing for the product. One specific commercial that not only kept my attention, but has also as stuck in my memory, is “The Force” commercial of Volkswgen Passat. This commercial aired in […]

By |2014-02-18T20:53:53-05:00February 18th, 2014|Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Favorite Super Bowl Ads of 2014

Super Bowl Awesomeness

One of my all time favorite all time Super Bowl ads, which I’m sure many in the industry would agree, is Apple’s “1984” aired once only in 1984. It was brilliant and revolutionary much like the brand itself, however not one of the ones that relates to me on a personal level. When comparing a […]

By |2014-02-18T20:53:08-05:00February 18th, 2014|Advertising, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Super Bowl Awesomeness