William Shakespeare is My Guardian Angel!

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

William Shakespeare

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” by William Shakespeare is my motto in life. William Shakespeare is among the literary figures whose influence in my life has been everlasting.

I categorize every event in my life under 3 words; love, trust and wrong. So if anything ever happened to me, it would fall under one of these three categorize to deal with it. This have helped me to get where I am today. A 23 year old, young, Saudi Arabian, creative lady, living in Miami with a degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Communication Studies who is also seeking her graduate degree in Global Strategic Communications at Florida International University.

If someone where to ask me, what is my personal creative manifesto? I would simply answer by Shakespeare quote. But in order for you to understand it, I will break it down and mention few examples.


Love is the core of life. Love is peace, trust, accepting and lastly, love is all about positivity. It tends to have this amazing effect on almost everything. Love taught me to love my imperfections to the point where now I see them as blessings. And what that means,  that I have learned to accept everything as it is. For example;

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

   Many consider OCD is a disability, while I myself, consider it as an extra ability. Being diagnosed with OCD has been a bonus. It kept me super organized and clean. It taught me to always set my objectives before starting because I felt like everything needs to be in order and planned even if it goes the opposite. It also taught me to be perfectionist. Now some of you might disagree, but the way I see it, it made me think that nothing is good enough so I end up over analyzing my work and giving my all.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Having ADHD is what I love the most now about my personality and what affected me the most in my creativity. Being able to think and overthink of a million thing at the same time is awesome. I get too many ideas and excited. It keeps me hyper focus, energetic and spontaneous.

Blessings in disguise

   I have mastered positive thinking towards negative outcomes. Everything is an experiment for me. It is okay to make mistakes. But make sure to learn from them. When people give you constructive criticism or their opinions, don’t take them personally.


According to Oxford dictionary; Trust is: “Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Throughout my life, I’ve trusted people who let me down and few others who were worthy of my trust but God was the only one who never let me down. I believe that God has the power to help me and he is always on my side when life gets tough. If you remember God in prosperity, he will remember you in distress. Give the time to yourself to pray as meditation to connect with God and also to boost your inner peace and positivity. By doing good deeds, I trust that God will return my kindness eventually. Remember, whenever life gets tough, it is God’s way of testing your capability, patience and strength. Make sure to pass the test!


I believe in karma. I believe in “what goes around comes back around” and bites you. My mother always told me “treat people the way you want to be treated.” No matter how badly people treat you, never harm them. Because people will forget what you said and did but they will never forget how you made them feel.


   Make people laugh! No one wants to be associated with a group of sad and negative individuals. Laughter is truly the best medicine and where there is humor there is laughter. Whenever I am stressed out or going through some issues, I try not taking it out on people, but instead I try to laugh about it and deal with it as a minor setback. There is nothing more I love, than seeing someone laughing and smiling. And what’s more important, knowing that you are the reason behind it.


   If you respect me, I will respect you and if you don’t, I will still respect you. Because I represent myself and you represent yourself. People will go out of their ways just to prove a point but, always taste your words before spitting them.


   People might say that you are being hard on yourself and restrictive which isn’t. It is inner strength and self control. It helps you to be determined and insistent towards your goals.

 Life is irreversible and the biggest setback is failure to underline important priorities identified by your manifesto. So truly “love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” to live a smooth happy life full of positivity and peace.