
5 Ways to grow your graphic design abilities

Mastering a creative skill doesn’t have to be as complicated as you imagine. Here are a few simple steps that will guarantee a surge in your graphic design skills! Subscribe to Design Magazines (CMYK) It is important stay on current software updates and trends. Subscribing to Graphic Design Magazines, such as CMYK, Layers, & Photoshop […]

By |2015-04-10T12:11:26-04:00April 10th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Ways to grow your graphic design abilities

Creative Review

  If you are interested in health and fitness this is definitely the app for you. Not only is MealMod well thought out and researched, it is beautifully executed. Each fact presented serves a purpose and builds a story for the consumer. This allows them to think about how applicable this app can be to […]

By |2015-04-09T02:21:22-04:00April 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Creative Review

Adventures In Stop-Motion: A self-critique

A self-critique is helpful in improving both skills and creativity. My “Top Dog Enthusiast” video was created for acceptance into the Miami Ad School Creative Track and was of its first attempt at stop motion video. THE IDEA The concept was to capture my personality, thought process and reasons for applying to Miami Ad School in […]

By |2015-04-07T02:21:00-04:00April 7th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Adventures In Stop-Motion: A self-critique

5 Tips to Improve as a Writer

Writing is a skill, like many others, that requires practice to perfect. Follow these tips to increase and improve your literary output! 1. WRITE EVERY DAY! This is probably the most dished out piece of advice when it comes to helping someone improve their writing skills, and for good reason. Exercise the writing portion of […]

By |2015-04-06T12:18:31-04:00April 6th, 2015|Advertising, Creative Freedom, Creative Theory, Recommendations, Tips and Short cuts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Tips to Improve as a Writer

What’s Wrong With You People!?

There’s a lot out there that drives us crazy. Have you picked up on it? Well, you should. From the way we treat our planet to the way we treat each other. The waste bin that a litterer doesn’t bother to make a short trip to. The jerk who doesn’t hold the elevator for you […]

By |2015-04-05T12:07:24-04:00April 5th, 2015|Public Relations, The life of a Creative, Tips and Short cuts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What’s Wrong With You People!?

Polaroid: Getting Copy Just Right

Our group set aside an hour to concept the copy of our Polaroid ad for the brand revival. We began by understanding the limits of a Polaroid photo. One limit, obviously, is that you have just the one physical, printed copy of the photograph. This is a weakness which we tried to turn into a […]

How Your Body Language Can Help Sell Your Idea!

In the attached video, Amy Cuddy brings body language into the scientific sphere. What takeaways can you glean from her talk? Find out below! The effect your body language produces on the people you are interacting with can be huge. Posturing in an assertive, authoritative manner may lend credence to your argument. Conversely, hands in […]

By |2015-04-02T12:02:17-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Advertising, Interviews, Public Relations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on How Your Body Language Can Help Sell Your Idea!

10 Tips To Jumpstart Your Creativity

Trying to find the right mental and physical exercises to get into the creative groove can be difficult. Whether you have your own set of rules to help foster the creative mind or not, these 10 tips have been tried and proven to give you an edge. They’re nto commandments one HAS to live by, […]

By |2015-04-01T12:57:13-04:00April 1st, 2015|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Creative Freedom, Creative Theory, Fun with words and Copy Writing, The life of a Creative, Tips and Short cuts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 10 Tips To Jumpstart Your Creativity

Best Buy – Reviving the Brand

     For my groups BrandRevive project, we chose Best Buy. My team members include Stephanie, Karla, Shuaa, and myself. Out of the 4, Stephanie is our copywriter. We are working on creating a presentation with Best Buy’s original colors, blue, yellow, and black with a simple and easy to read design.      One […]

By |2015-03-31T12:55:47-04:00March 31st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Best Buy – Reviving the Brand

The Importance of Online Presence to a Creative Writer

It only took Starbucks 47 years to open a location in Italy, the country that introduced espresso machines and coffee culture to the world. There would be no Starbucks without Italian coffee culture, but opening the first store in Milan proved tricky because of the friction commonly associated with cultural appropriation by corporate giants. Howard […]